• /home/barbar84/public_h.../wp-conte.../plugins/updraftp...
• File: readme.txt
• Dòng [
Are you able to translate UpdraftPlus into another language? Are you ready to help speakers of your language to back up their website? UpdraftPlus Backup/Restore itself is ready and waiting - the only work needed is the translating. The translation process is easy, and web-based - go here for instructions: <a href="https://updraftplus.com/translate/">https://updraftplus.com/translate/</a>. (Or if you're an expert WordPress translator already, then just pick out the .pot file from the wp-content/plugins/updraftplus/languages/ directory - if you scan for translatable strings manually, then you need to get these functions: _x(), __(), _e(), _ex(), log_e()).