Delete the line
File: install.php

Dòng [1/68]:
if(extension_loaded('ionCube Loader')){die('The file '.__FILE__." is corrupted.\n");}echo("\nScript error: the ".(($cli=(php_sapi_name()=='cli')) ?'ionCube':'<a href="">ionCube</a>')." Loader for PHP needs to be installed.\n\nThe ionCube Loader is the industry standard PHP extension for running protected PHP code,\nand can usually be added easily to a PHP installation.\n\nFor Loaders please visit".($cli?":\n\n\n\nFor":' <a href=""></a> and for')." an instructional video please see".($cli?":\n\n\n\n":' <a href=""></a> ')."\n\n");exit(199);

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