Delete the line
File: admin.php

Dòng [1302/6224]:
$this->show_admin_warning('<strong>'.__('Welcome to UpdraftPlus!', 'updraftplus').'</strong> '.str_ireplace('Back Up', 'Backup', __('To make a backup, just press the Backup Now button.', 'updraftplus')).' <a href="'.UpdraftPlus::get_current_clean_url().'" id="updraft-navtab-settings2">'.__('To change any of the default settings of what is backed up, to configure scheduled backups, to send your backups to remote storage (recommended), and more, go to the settings tab.', 'updraftplus').'</a>', 'updated notice is-dismissible');

Ấn tiếp tục để Delete và ở lại trang, ấn Delete để Delete và quay về List dòng