# frozen_string_literal: false
# The protocol for DRb over an SSL socket
# The URI for a DRb socket over SSL is:
# <code>drbssl://<host>:<port>?<option></code>. The option is optional
class DRbSSLSocket < DRbTCPSocket
# SSLConfig handles the needed SSL information for establishing a
# DRbSSLSocket connection, including generating the X509 / RSA pair.
# An instance of this config can be passed to DRbSSLSocket.new,
# DRbSSLSocket.open and DRbSSLSocket.open_server
# See DRb::DRbSSLSocket::SSLConfig.new for more details
# Default values for a SSLConfig instance.
# See DRb::DRbSSLSocket::SSLConfig.new for more details
:SSLCACertificatePath => nil,
:SSLCACertificateFile => nil,
:SSLTmpDhCallback => nil,
:SSLVerifyMode => ::OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE,
:SSLVerifyCallback => nil, # custom verification
:SSLCertificateStore => nil,
# Must specify if you use auto generated certificate.
:SSLCertName => nil, # e.g. [["CN","fqdn.example.com"]]
:SSLCertComment => "Generated by Ruby/OpenSSL"
# Create a new DRb::DRbSSLSocket::SSLConfig instance
# The DRb::DRbSSLSocket will take either a +config+ Hash or an instance
# of SSLConfig, and will setup the certificate for its session for the
# configuration. If want it to generate a generic certificate, the bare
# minimum is to provide the :SSLCertName
# An instance of OpenSSL::X509::Certificate. If this is not provided,
# then a generic X509 is generated, with a correspond :SSLPrivateKey
# A private key instance, like OpenSSL::PKey::RSA. This key must be
# the key that signed the :SSLCertificate
# An OpenSSL::X509::Certificate, or Array of certificates that will
# used as ClientCAs in the SSL Context
# :SSLCACertificatePath ::
# A path to the directory of CA certificates. The certificates must
# :SSLCACertificateFile ::
# A path to a CA certificate file, in PEM format.
# A DH callback. See OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext.tmp_dh_callback
# This is the SSL verification mode. See OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_* for
# available modes. The default is OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE
# Number of CA certificates to walk, when verifying a certificate
# A callback to be used for additional verification. See
# OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext.verify_callback
# :SSLCertificateStore ::
# A OpenSSL::X509::Store used for verification of certificates
# Issuer name for the certificate. This is required when generating
# the certificate (if :SSLCertificate and :SSLPrivateKey were not
# given). The value of this is to be an Array of pairs:
# [["C", "Raleigh"], ["ST","North Carolina"],
# ["CN","fqdn.example.com"]]
# See also OpenSSL::X509::Name
# A comment to be used for generating the certificate. The default is
# "Generated by Ruby/OpenSSL"
# These values can be added after the fact, like a Hash.
# c = DRb::DRbSSLSocket::SSLConfig.new {}
# OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new(File.read('mycert.crt'))
# c[:SSLPrivateKey] = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new(File.read('mycert.key'))
# c[:SSLVerifyMode] = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER
# c[:SSLCACertificatePath] = "/etc/ssl/certs/"
# c = DRb::DRbSSLSocket::SSLConfig.new({
# :SSLCertName => [["CN" => DRb::DRbSSLSocket.getservername]]
@cert = config[:SSLCertificate]
@pkey = config[:SSLPrivateKey]
# A convenience method to access the values like a Hash
@config[key] || DEFAULT[key]
# Connect to IO +tcp+, with context of the current certificate
ssl = ::OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket.new(tcp, @ssl_ctx)
# Accept connection to IO +tcp+, with context of the current certificate
ssl = OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket.new(tcp, @ssl_ctx)
# Ensures that :SSLCertificate and :SSLPrivateKey have been provided
# or that a new certificate is generated with the other parameters
rsa = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new(2048){|p, n|
next unless self[:verbose]
when 0; $stderr.putc "." # BN_generate_prime
when 1; $stderr.putc "+" # BN_generate_prime
when 2; $stderr.putc "*" # searching good prime,
# but also data from BN_generate_prime
when 3; $stderr.putc "\n" # found good prime, n==0 - p, n==1 - q,
# but also data from BN_generate_prime
else; $stderr.putc "*" # BN_generate_prime
cert = OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new
name = OpenSSL::X509::Name.new(self[:SSLCertName])
cert.not_before = Time.now
cert.not_after = Time.now + (365*24*60*60)
cert.public_key = rsa.public_key
ef = OpenSSL::X509::ExtensionFactory.new(nil,cert)
ef.create_extension("subjectKeyIdentifier", "hash") ]
ef.issuer_certificate = cert
if comment = self[:SSLCertComment]
cert.add_extension(ef.create_extension("nsComment", comment))
cert.sign(rsa, OpenSSL::Digest::SHA256.new)
# Establish the OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext with the configuration
ctx = ::OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext.new
ctx.client_ca = self[:SSLClientCA]
ctx.ca_path = self[:SSLCACertificatePath]
ctx.ca_file = self[:SSLCACertificateFile]
ctx.tmp_dh_callback = self[:SSLTmpDhCallback]
ctx.verify_mode = self[:SSLVerifyMode]
ctx.verify_depth = self[:SSLVerifyDepth]
ctx.verify_callback = self[:SSLVerifyCallback]
ctx.cert_store = self[:SSLCertificateStore]
# Parse the dRuby +uri+ for an SSL connection.
# Raises DRbBadScheme or DRbBadURI if +uri+ is not matching or malformed
def self.parse_uri(uri) # :nodoc:
if /\Adrbssl:\/\/(.*?):(\d+)(\?(.*))?\z/ =~ uri
raise(DRbBadScheme, uri) unless uri.start_with?('drbssl:')
raise(DRbBadURI, 'can\'t parse uri:' + uri)
# Return an DRb::DRbSSLSocket instance as a client-side connection,
# with the SSL connected. This is called from DRb::start_service or while
# connecting to a remote object:
# DRb.start_service 'drbssl://localhost:0', front, config
# +uri+ is the URI we are connected to,
# <code>'drbssl://localhost:0'</code> above, +config+ is our
# configuration. Either a Hash or DRb::DRbSSLSocket::SSLConfig
def self.open(uri, config)
host, port, = parse_uri(uri)
soc = TCPSocket.open(host, port)
ssl_conf = SSLConfig::new(config)
ssl = ssl_conf.connect(soc)
self.new(uri, ssl, ssl_conf, true)
# Returns a DRb::DRbSSLSocket instance as a server-side connection, with
# the SSL connected. This is called from DRb::start_service or while
# connecting to a remote object:
# DRb.start_service 'drbssl://localhost:0', front, config
# +uri+ is the URI we are connected to,
# <code>'drbssl://localhost:0'</code> above, +config+ is our
# configuration. Either a Hash or DRb::DRbSSLSocket::SSLConfig
def self.open_server(uri, config)
uri = 'drbssl://:0' unless uri
host, port, = parse_uri(uri)
soc = open_server_inaddr_any(host, port)
soc = TCPServer.open(host, port)
port = soc.addr[1] if port == 0
@uri = "drbssl://#{host}:#{port}"
ssl_conf = SSLConfig.new(config)
self.new(@uri, soc, ssl_conf, false)
# This is a convenience method to parse +uri+ and separate out any
# additional options appended in the +uri+.
# Returns an option-less uri and the option => [uri,option]
# The +config+ is completely unused, so passing nil is sufficient.
def self.uri_option(uri, config) # :nodoc:
host, port, option = parse_uri(uri)
return "drbssl://#{host}:#{port}", option
# Create a DRb::DRbSSLSocket instance.
# +uri+ is the URI we are connected to.
# +soc+ is the tcp socket we are bound to.
# +config+ is our configuration. Either a Hash or SSLConfig
# +is_established+ is a boolean of whether +soc+ is currently established
# This is called automatically based on the DRb protocol.
def initialize(uri, soc, config, is_established)
@ssl = is_established ? soc : nil
super(uri, soc.to_io, config)
def stream; @ssl; end # :nodoc:
# Closes the SSL stream before closing the dRuby connection.
break if (@acl ? @acl.allow_socket?(soc) : true)
ssl = @config.accept(soc)
self.class.new(uri, ssl, @config, true)
rescue OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError
warn("#{$!.message} (#{$!.class})", uplevel: 0) if @config[:verbose]