Checks domains in /etc/trueuserdomains and looks for obvious
fraud or phishing domains on cPanel servers.
For more documentation, please visit:
from collections import OrderedDict
__version__ = 'v0.1 Fraud Domain Checker'
__author__ = 'RileyL, KolbyH, SeanC, AlexK'
'email_address': 'abuse@inmotionhosting.com',
'log_file': '/var/log/domainchecker.log',
'badwords_file': '/opt/sharedrads/domainchecker/badwords',
'whitelist_file': '.imh/domainchecker.whitelist',
'domains_file': '/etc/trueuserdomains',
Checks for suspicious domain names on cPanel servers
and sends an email notification if any are found.
Both the badwords and whitelist are stored in a plain text file.
>>> from domainchecker import DomainChecker
>>> checker = DomainChecker(
Load definitions, whitelist, and domains
Initialize list for matches
:param badwords_file: - plain text file of possible phishing terms.
:param whitelist_file: - plain text file of known good domains.
:param domains_file: - plain text file of domains on the server.
:param logger: - logging object to use with functions named:
critical() error() warning() info() and debug()
self.email_address = email_address
self.definitions_file = badwords_file
self.domains_file = domains_file
# Load cPanel users in the format: ['userna5', 'example.com']
self.whitelist_file = whitelist_file
# Remove whitelist domains from domains list
for user, domain in self.users:
if domain in self.whitelist:
self.users.remove([user, domain])
# Remove whitelist domains from users list
for user, domain in self.users:
if domain in self.whitelist:
self.users.remove([user, domain])
# Remove internal usernames and any associated domains
for user, domain in self.users:
for internal_user in rads.SYS_USERS:
if user == internal_user:
'Removed internal account: ' + user + '/' + domain
self.users.remove([user, domain])
def load_definitions(self, target_file):
Returns definitions of possible phishing words from file.
:param file: File to load definitions from.
with open(target_file, encoding='utf-8') as definitions_file:
for line in definitions_file:
self.logger.error('Could not open ' + target_file)
# Remove any blank lines from definitions
for line in self.definitions:
def load_whitelists(self, target_file: str):
Returns whitelist domains from files.
:param file: File to load whitelists from.
for user, _ in self.users:
user_whitelist = Path('/home', user, target_file.lstrip('/'))
basedir = user_whitelist.parent
user_whitelist.touch(mode=0o600, exist_ok=True)
with open(user_whitelist, encoding='utf-8') as whitelist_file:
for line in whitelist_file:
self.logger.error('Could not open %s', user_whitelist)
def load_domains(self, target_file):
Returns domains on the server as a list.
:param file: File to load domains on the server.
domain_pattern = re.compile(r'^(.*):')
with open(target_file, encoding='utf-8') as domains_file:
for line in domains_file:
# Strip away domain owner and just get domain
domain = domain_pattern.search(line)
line = domain.group()[:-1]
self.logger.error('Could not open %s', target_file)
def load_users(self, target_file):
Load cPanel users in the format: ['userna5', 'example.com']
:param file: File to load domains on the server.
# regex patterns to get users and domains from trueuserdomains file
users_pattern = re.compile(r':(.*)$')
domain_pattern = re.compile(r'^(.*):')
with open(target_file, encoding='utf-8') as domains_file:
for line in domains_file:
user = users_pattern.search(line)
the_user = user.group()[2:]
domain = domain_pattern.search(line)
the_domain = domain.group()[:-1]
# check if user is cPanel user
if rads.is_cpuser(the_user):
# add information to self.users
owner_info = [the_user, the_domain]
self.logger.error('Could not open %s', target_file)
def regex_search(self, bad_word, domain):
Uses the '*' character as "any" (globbing)
the following link contains more information on globbing:
Searches for string bad_word in string domain
if match is found, it's added to self.matches
and self.match_text is updated
:param bad_word: str - bad word to check
:param domain: str - domain to check
# Ensure no whitelisted domains were matched
for allowed_domain in self.whitelist:
if allowed_domain in domain:
segments = [i for i, ltr in enumerate(bad_word) if ltr == '*']
for next_segment in segments:
search_string += bad_word[last:next_segment] + r'(.*)'
search_string += bad_word[last : len(bad_word)]
search_string = search_string.encode('string-escape')
search_pattern = re.compile(search_string)
# if bad_word found in search for string
if search_pattern.search(domain):
# if match found, add domain of match found to email
self.match_text += domain + ': '
# add cPanel account owner information to email
for user, dom in self.users:
# if there is a user, add it to the email
if dom == domain and rads.is_cpuser(user):
# if not on new line, add new line
if not self.match_text.endswith('\n'):
def plaintext_search(self, bad_word, domain):
searches for string bad_word in string domain
if match is found, it's added to self.matches
and self.match_text is updated
:param bad_word: str - bad word to check
:param domain: str - domain to check
# Ensure no whitelisted domains were matched
for allowed_domain in self.whitelist:
if allowed_domain in domain:
# if match found, add domain of match found to email
self.match_text += domain + ': '
# add cPanel account owner information to email
for user, dom in self.users:
# if there is a user, add it to the email
if dom == domain and rads.is_cpuser(user):
if not self.match_text.endswith('\n'):
Open /etc/trueuserdomains and checks every line from the badwords list.
Matches found that are in the whitelist are ignored
for domain in self.domains:
for bad_word in self.definitions:
if '*' in bad_word: # If globbing, search with regex.
self.regex_search(bad_word, domain)
else: # If not globbing, search regularly.
self.plaintext_search(bad_word, domain)
self.matches = list(set(self.matches))
# Reference: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28518340
self.match_text = '\n'.join(
self.logger.info('No matches to possible phishing words found.')
def add_to_whitelist(self, domains):
Add domains to the whitelist file.
:param domain: str - Domains to add to the whitelist.
domain_list = domains.split(' ')
for user, user_domain in self.users:
if user_domain in domain_list:
user_whitelist = '/home/' + user + '/' + self.whitelist_file
with open(user_whitelist, 'a+', encoding='utf-8') as file:
file.write(domains + '\n')
self.logger.info(domains + ' added to whitelist.')
Email report of possible fraudulent or phishing domains.
to_addr = self.email_address
subject = 'Possible fraudulent or phishing domains found!'
'The following domain(s) contain keywords that may be '
+ 'fraudulent activity:\n'
self.logger.info('An email will now be sent for review by T2S staff')
rads.send_email(to_addr, subject, body, errs=True)
except (smtplib.SMTPException, OSError) as exc:
'Could not send email regarding '
'possible phishing domain(s) failed.'
self.logger.info('Email sent successfully.')
def accessible(filename, mode):
:param filename: str - name of file to check
:param mode: str - mode to test
with open(filename, mode) as _: # pylint: disable=unspecified-encoding
Parse the arguments using argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='domainchecker', description=__doc__)
help='domain to add to whitelist',
help='file containing bad words definitions',
help='file containing list of domains to check',
help='domain to add to whitelist',
choices=['critical', 'error', 'warning', 'info', 'debug'],
help='level of verbosity in logging',
help='file to send logs to',
help='output logs to command line',
help='file containing whitelisted domains',
args = parser.parse_args() # Parse arguments
if args.verbose: # Set CLI output to std if verbose
# Set logging value from optional argment
if args.loglevel == 'critical':
args.loglevel = logging.CRITICAL
elif args.loglevel == 'error':
args.loglevel = logging.ERROR
elif args.loglevel == 'warning':
args.loglevel = logging.WARNING
elif args.loglevel == 'info':
args.loglevel = logging.INFO
elif args.loglevel == 'debug':
args.loglevel = logging.DEBUG
else: # Logging set to INFO by default.
args.loglevel = logging.INFO
(args.badwords_file, 'r'),
(args.domains_file, 'r'),
for _file_, mode in files:
if not accessible(_file_, mode):
usage: domainchecker [-h] [-a ADDED_WHITELIST_DOMAINS] [-b BADWORDS_FILE]
[-l {critical,error,warning,info,debug}] [-o LOG_FILE]
Checks domains in /etc/trueuserdomains and looks for obvious
fraud or phishing domains on cPanel servers.
For more documentation, please visit:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
domain to add to whitelist
file containing bad words definitions
file containing list of domains to check
domain to add to whitelist
-l {critical,error,warning,info,debug}, --loglevel
level of verbosity in logging
-o LOG_FILE, --output LOG_FILE
-v, --verbose output logs to command line
file containing whitelisted domains
rads_logger = rads.setup_logging(