# frozen_string_literal: true
# tmpdir - retrieve temporary directory path
# $Id: tmpdir.rb 67241 2019-03-13 00:21:46Z nagachika $
rescue LoadError # rescue LoadError for miniruby
@@systmpdir ||= defined?(Etc.systmpdir) ? Etc.systmpdir : '/tmp'
# Returns the operating system's temporary file path.
[ENV['TMPDIR'], ENV['TMP'], ENV['TEMP'], @@systmpdir, '/tmp', '.'].each do |dir|
dir = File.expand_path(dir)
if stat = File.stat(dir) and stat.directory? and stat.writable? and
(!stat.world_writable? or stat.sticky?)
raise ArgumentError, "could not find a temporary directory" unless tmp
# Dir.mktmpdir creates a temporary directory.
# The directory is created with 0700 permission.
# Application should not change the permission to make the temporary directory accessible from other users.
# The prefix and suffix of the name of the directory is specified by
# the optional first argument, <i>prefix_suffix</i>.
# - If it is not specified or nil, "d" is used as the prefix and no suffix is used.
# - If it is a string, it is used as the prefix and no suffix is used.
# - If it is an array, first element is used as the prefix and second element is used as a suffix.
# Dir.mktmpdir {|dir| dir is ".../d..." }
# Dir.mktmpdir("foo") {|dir| dir is ".../foo..." }
# Dir.mktmpdir(["foo", "bar"]) {|dir| dir is ".../foo...bar" }
# The directory is created under Dir.tmpdir or
# the optional second argument <i>tmpdir</i> if non-nil value is given.
# Dir.mktmpdir {|dir| dir is "#{Dir.tmpdir}/d..." }
# Dir.mktmpdir(nil, "/var/tmp") {|dir| dir is "/var/tmp/d..." }
# it is yielded with the path of the directory.
# The directory and its contents are removed
# using FileUtils.remove_entry before Dir.mktmpdir returns.
# The value of the block is returned.
# open("#{dir}/foo", "w") { ... }
# If a block is not given,
# The path of the directory is returned.
# In this case, Dir.mktmpdir doesn't remove the directory.
# open("#{dir}/foo", "w") { ... }
# # remove the directory.
# FileUtils.remove_entry dir
def self.mktmpdir(prefix_suffix=nil, *rest)
path = Tmpname.create(prefix_suffix || "d", *rest) {|_path, _, _, d|
stat = File.stat(File.dirname(path))
if stat.world_writable? and !stat.sticky?
raise ArgumentError, "parent directory is world writable but not sticky"
FileUtils.remove_entry path
def create(basename, tmpdir=nil, max_try: nil, **opts)
if $SAFE > 0 and tmpdir.tainted?
prefix, suffix = basename
prefix = (String.try_convert(prefix) or
raise ArgumentError, "unexpected prefix: #{prefix.inspect}")
prefix = prefix.delete("#{File::SEPARATOR}#{File::ALT_SEPARATOR}")
suffix &&= (String.try_convert(suffix) or
raise ArgumentError, "unexpected suffix: #{suffix.inspect}")
suffix &&= suffix.delete("#{File::SEPARATOR}#{File::ALT_SEPARATOR}")
t = Time.now.strftime("%Y%m%d")
path = "#{prefix}#{t}-#{$$}-#{rand(0x100000000).to_s(36)}"\
"#{n ? %[-#{n}] : ''}#{suffix||''}"
path = File.join(tmpdir, path)
yield(path, n, opts, origdir)
retry if !max_try or n < max_try
raise "cannot generate temporary name using `#{basename}' under `#{tmpdir}'"