# Shared RADS Tools, written by Erik Soroka (eriks@imhadmin.net, ext 834)
# Addition by Vanessa V. 5/12/11
# this script gets executed by crontab to suspend accounts scheduled from RADS tool
for CURRENTUSER in $(/bin/ls -A /opt/sharedrads/autosuspend)
if [ -z "$CURRENTUSER" ]; then
echo "* ERROR: Could not find any accounts pending suspension, exiting."
SUSPTIME=$(cat /opt/sharedrads/autosuspend/$CURRENTUSER |awk '{print $1}')
if [ "$NOW" -ge "$SUSPTIME" ];then
SUSPREASON=$(cat /opt/sharedrads/autosuspend/$CURRENTUSER |awk '{print $2}')
if [ ! -z "$TOSUSPEND" ];then
# Check for missing duration or reason
if [[ -z "$SUSPTIME" ]] || [[ -z "$SUSPREASON" ]]; then
MSG="cannot determine susp time and/or reason"
/opt/sharedrads/suspend_user $CURRENTUSER --info --invoked-by "$0" -r '-' -c "$MSG"
echo "ERROR: Cannot autosuspend $CURRENTUSER - $MSG" | mail -s "[Autosuspend failure] $CURRENTUSER `hostname -s`" reclamations@imhadmin.net
rm -f /opt/sharedrads/autosuspend/$CURRENTUSER
# Check if the user still exists or is already suspended
if [ "$VALIDUSER" = "0" ]; then
MSG="Cannot process auto-suspension for $CURRENTUSER because they don't appear to exist"
/opt/sharedrads/suspend_user $CURRENTUSER --info --invoked-by "$0" -r '-' -c "$MSG"
rm -f /opt/sharedrads/autosuspend/$CURRENTUSER
elif [ -f /var/cpanel/suspended/$CURRENTUSER ];then
MSG="Cannot process auto-suspension for $CURRENTUSER because they already appear to be suspended"
/opt/sharedrads/suspend_user $CURRENTUSER --info --invoked-by "$0" -r '-' -c "$MSG"
rm -f /opt/sharedrads/autosuspend/$CURRENTUSER
# if the reason is a move and the user's domains are pointed here, send an alert
if echo "$SUSPREASON" | egrep [mM]ove >/dev/null;then
domainlist=$(egrep ": ${CURRENTUSER}$" /etc/userdomains | cut -d: -f1)
for domain in $domainlist
AREC=$(dig +short $domain |head -1 |awk '{print $1'} )
MXREC=$(dig +short $(dig +short $domain MX |awk '{print $2}' | tail -1 |awk '{print $1}') |tail -1 )
if grep $AREC /etc/ips >/dev/null || [[ "$AREC" == "$(cat /var/cpanel/mainip)" ]]; then
userFails+=( "\n$domain: (A) still pointed to the server" )
rm -f /opt/sharedrads/autosuspend/$CURRENTUSER
if grep $MXREC /etc/ips >/dev/null || [[ "$MXREC" == "$(cat /var/cpanel/mainip |head -1)" ]]; then
userFails+=( "\n$domain: (MX) still pointed to the server" )
rm -f /opt/sharedrads/autosuspend/$CURRENTUSER
if [ ${#userFails[@]} -gt 0 ]; then
echo -e "${userFails[@]}" > /opt/sharedrads/failsuspend/$CURRENTUSER
if [ "$ERROR" != "1" ];then
MSG="Scheduled suspension for $CURRENTUSER has been initiated"
/opt/sharedrads/suspend_user $CURRENTUSER -r $SUSPREASON -c "$MSG"
if [ "$?" -eq 0 ] && [ -f /var/cpanel/suspended/$CURRENTUSER ] ; then
rm -f /opt/sharedrads/autosuspend/$CURRENTUSER