'''"Executable documentation" for the pickle module.
Extensive comments about the pickle protocols and pickle-machine opcodes
can be found here. Some functions meant for external use:
Generate all the opcodes in a pickle, as (opcode, arg, position) triples.
dis(pickle, out=None, memo=None, indentlevel=4)
Print a symbolic disassembly of a pickle.
__all__ = ['dis', 'genops', 'optimize']
bytes_types = pickle.bytes_types
# - A pickle verifier: read a pickle and check it exhaustively for
# well-formedness. dis() does a lot of this already.
# - A protocol identifier: examine a pickle and return its protocol number
# (== the highest .proto attr value among all the opcodes in the pickle).
# dis() already prints this info at the end.
# - A pickle optimizer: for example, tuple-building code is sometimes more
# elaborate than necessary, catering for the possibility that the tuple
# is recursive. Or lots of times a PUT is generated that's never accessed
# "A pickle" is a program for a virtual pickle machine (PM, but more accurately
# called an unpickling machine). It's a sequence of opcodes, interpreted by the
# PM, building an arbitrarily complex Python object.
# For the most part, the PM is very simple: there are no looping, testing, or
# conditional instructions, no arithmetic and no function calls. Opcodes are
# executed once each, from first to last, until a STOP opcode is reached.
# The PM has two data areas, "the stack" and "the memo".
# Many opcodes push Python objects onto the stack; e.g., INT pushes a Python
# integer object on the stack, whose value is gotten from a decimal string
# literal immediately following the INT opcode in the pickle bytestream. Other
# opcodes take Python objects off the stack. The result of unpickling is
# whatever object is left on the stack when the final STOP opcode is executed.
# The memo is simply an array of objects, or it can be implemented as a dict
# mapping little integers to objects. The memo serves as the PM's "long term
# memory", and the little integers indexing the memo are akin to variable
# names. Some opcodes pop a stack object into the memo at a given index,
# and others push a memo object at a given index onto the stack again.
# At heart, that's all the PM has. Subtleties arise for these reasons:
# + Object identity. Objects can be arbitrarily complex, and subobjects
# may be shared (for example, the list [a, a] refers to the same object a
# twice). It can be vital that unpickling recreate an isomorphic object
# graph, faithfully reproducing sharing.
# + Recursive objects. For example, after "L = []; L.append(L)", L is a
# list, and L[0] is the same list. This is related to the object identity
# point, and some sequences of pickle opcodes are subtle in order to
# get the right result in all cases.
# + Things pickle doesn't know everything about. Examples of things pickle
# does know everything about are Python's builtin scalar and container
# types, like ints and tuples. They generally have opcodes dedicated to
# them. For things like module references and instances of user-defined
# classes, pickle's knowledge is limited. Historically, many enhancements
# have been made to the pickle protocol in order to do a better (faster,
# and/or more compact) job on those.
# + Backward compatibility and micro-optimization. As explained below,
# pickle opcodes never go away, not even when better ways to do a thing
# get invented. The repertoire of the PM just keeps growing over time.
# For example, protocol 0 had two opcodes for building Python integers (INT
# and LONG), protocol 1 added three more for more-efficient pickling of short
# integers, and protocol 2 added two more for more-efficient pickling of
# long integers (before protocol 2, the only ways to pickle a Python long
# took time quadratic in the number of digits, for both pickling and
# unpickling). "Opcode bloat" isn't so much a subtlety as a source of
# For compatibility, the meaning of a pickle opcode never changes. Instead new
# pickle opcodes get added, and each version's unpickler can handle all the
# pickle opcodes in all protocol versions to date. So old pickles continue to
# be readable forever. The pickler can generally be told to restrict itself to
# the subset of opcodes available under previous protocol versions too, so that
# users can create pickles under the current version readable by older
# versions. However, a pickle does not contain its version number embedded
# within it. If an older unpickler tries to read a pickle using a later
# protocol, the result is most likely an exception due to seeing an unknown (in
# the older unpickler) opcode.
# The original pickle used what's now called "protocol 0", and what was called
# "text mode" before Python 2.3. The entire pickle bytestream is made up of
# printable 7-bit ASCII characters, plus the newline character, in protocol 0.
# That's why it was called text mode. Protocol 0 is small and elegant, but
# sometimes painfully inefficient.
# The second major set of additions is now called "protocol 1", and was called
# "binary mode" before Python 2.3. This added many opcodes with arguments
# consisting of arbitrary bytes, including NUL bytes and unprintable "high bit"
# bytes. Binary mode pickles can be substantially smaller than equivalent
# text mode pickles, and sometimes faster too; e.g., BININT represents a 4-byte
# int as 4 bytes following the opcode, which is cheaper to unpickle than the
# (perhaps) 11-character decimal string attached to INT. Protocol 1 also added
# a number of opcodes that operate on many stack elements at once (like APPENDS
# and SETITEMS), and "shortcut" opcodes (like EMPTY_DICT and EMPTY_TUPLE).
# The third major set of additions came in Python 2.3, and is called "protocol
# - A better way to pickle instances of new-style classes (NEWOBJ).
# - A way for a pickle to identify its protocol (PROTO).
# - Time- and space- efficient pickling of long ints (LONG{1,4}).
# - Shortcuts for small tuples (TUPLE{1,2,3}}.
# - Dedicated opcodes for bools (NEWTRUE, NEWFALSE).
# - The "extension registry", a vector of popular objects that can be pushed
# efficiently by index (EXT{1,2,4}). This is akin to the memo and GET, but
# the registry contents are predefined (there's nothing akin to the memo's
# Another independent change with Python 2.3 is the abandonment of any
# pretense that it might be safe to load pickles received from untrusted
# parties -- no sufficient security analysis has been done to guarantee
# this and there isn't a use case that warrants the expense of such an
# To this end, all tests for __safe_for_unpickling__ or for
# copyreg.safe_constructors are removed from the unpickling code.
# References to these variables in the descriptions below are to be seen
# as describing unpickling in Python 2.2 and before.
# Meta-rule: Descriptions are stored in instances of descriptor objects,
# with plain constructors. No meta-language is defined from which
# descriptors could be constructed. If you want, e.g., XML, write a little
# program to generate XML from the objects.
# Some pickle opcodes have an argument, following the opcode in the
# bytestream. An argument is of a specific type, described by an instance
# of ArgumentDescriptor. These are not to be confused with arguments taken
# off the stack -- ArgumentDescriptor applies only to arguments embedded in
# the opcode stream, immediately following an opcode.
# Represents the number of bytes consumed by an argument delimited by the
# next newline character.
# Represents the number of bytes consumed by a two-argument opcode where
# the first argument gives the number of bytes in the second argument.
TAKEN_FROM_ARGUMENT1 = -2 # num bytes is 1-byte unsigned int
TAKEN_FROM_ARGUMENT4 = -3 # num bytes is 4-byte signed little-endian int
TAKEN_FROM_ARGUMENT4U = -4 # num bytes is 4-byte unsigned little-endian int
TAKEN_FROM_ARGUMENT8U = -5 # num bytes is 8-byte unsigned little-endian int
class ArgumentDescriptor(object):
# name of descriptor record, also a module global name; a string
# length of argument, in bytes; an int; UP_TO_NEWLINE and
# TAKEN_FROM_ARGUMENT{1,4,8} are negative values for variable-length
# a function taking a file-like object, reading this kind of argument
# from the object at the current position, advancing the current
# position by n bytes, and returning the value of the argument
# human-readable docs for this arg descriptor; a string
def __init__(self, name, n, reader, doc):
assert isinstance(name, str)
assert isinstance(n, int) and (n >= 0 or
assert isinstance(doc, str)
from struct import unpack as _unpack
>>> read_uint1(io.BytesIO(b'\xff'))
raise ValueError("not enough data in stream to read uint1")
uint1 = ArgumentDescriptor(
doc="One-byte unsigned integer.")
>>> read_uint2(io.BytesIO(b'\xff\x00'))
>>> read_uint2(io.BytesIO(b'\xff\xff'))
return _unpack("<H", data)[0]
raise ValueError("not enough data in stream to read uint2")
uint2 = ArgumentDescriptor(
doc="Two-byte unsigned integer, little-endian.")
>>> read_int4(io.BytesIO(b'\xff\x00\x00\x00'))
>>> read_int4(io.BytesIO(b'\x00\x00\x00\x80')) == -(2**31)
return _unpack("<i", data)[0]
raise ValueError("not enough data in stream to read int4")
int4 = ArgumentDescriptor(
doc="Four-byte signed integer, little-endian, 2's complement.")
>>> read_uint4(io.BytesIO(b'\xff\x00\x00\x00'))
>>> read_uint4(io.BytesIO(b'\x00\x00\x00\x80')) == 2**31
return _unpack("<I", data)[0]
raise ValueError("not enough data in stream to read uint4")
uint4 = ArgumentDescriptor(
doc="Four-byte unsigned integer, little-endian.")
>>> read_uint8(io.BytesIO(b'\xff\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'))
>>> read_uint8(io.BytesIO(b'\xff' * 8)) == 2**64-1
return _unpack("<Q", data)[0]
raise ValueError("not enough data in stream to read uint8")
uint8 = ArgumentDescriptor(
doc="Eight-byte unsigned integer, little-endian.")
def read_stringnl(f, decode=True, stripquotes=True):
>>> read_stringnl(io.BytesIO(b"'abcd'\nefg\n"))
>>> read_stringnl(io.BytesIO(b"\n"))
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: no string quotes around b''
>>> read_stringnl(io.BytesIO(b"\n"), stripquotes=False)
>>> read_stringnl(io.BytesIO(b"''\n"))
>>> read_stringnl(io.BytesIO(b'"abcd"'))
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: no newline found when trying to read stringnl
Embedded escapes are undone in the result.
>>> read_stringnl(io.BytesIO(br"'a\n\\b\x00c\td'" + b"\n'e'"))
if not data.endswith(b'\n'):
raise ValueError("no newline found when trying to read stringnl")
data = data[:-1] # lose the newline
raise ValueError("strinq quote %r not found at both "
"ends of %r" % (q, data))
raise ValueError("no string quotes around %r" % data)
data = codecs.escape_decode(data)[0].decode("ascii")
stringnl = ArgumentDescriptor(
doc="""A newline-terminated string.
This is a repr-style string, with embedded escapes, and
def read_stringnl_noescape(f):
return read_stringnl(f, stripquotes=False)
stringnl_noescape = ArgumentDescriptor(
doc="""A newline-terminated string.
This is a str-style string, without embedded escapes,
or bracketing quotes. It should consist solely of
printable ASCII characters.
def read_stringnl_noescape_pair(f):
>>> read_stringnl_noescape_pair(io.BytesIO(b"Queue\nEmpty\njunk"))
return "%s %s" % (read_stringnl_noescape(f), read_stringnl_noescape(f))
stringnl_noescape_pair = ArgumentDescriptor(
doc="""A pair of newline-terminated strings.
These are str-style strings, without embedded
escapes, or bracketing quotes. They should
consist solely of printable ASCII characters.
The pair is returned as a single string, with
a single blank separating the two strings.
>>> read_string1(io.BytesIO(b"\x00"))
>>> read_string1(io.BytesIO(b"\x03abcdef"))
return data.decode("latin-1")
raise ValueError("expected %d bytes in a string1, but only %d remain" %
string1 = ArgumentDescriptor(
The first argument is a 1-byte unsigned int giving the number
of bytes in the string, and the second argument is that many
>>> read_string4(io.BytesIO(b"\x00\x00\x00\x00abc"))
>>> read_string4(io.BytesIO(b"\x03\x00\x00\x00abcdef"))
>>> read_string4(io.BytesIO(b"\x00\x00\x00\x03abcdef"))
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: expected 50331648 bytes in a string4, but only 6 remain
raise ValueError("string4 byte count < 0: %d" % n)
return data.decode("latin-1")
raise ValueError("expected %d bytes in a string4, but only %d remain" %
string4 = ArgumentDescriptor(
The first argument is a 4-byte little-endian signed int giving
the number of bytes in the string, and the second argument is
>>> read_bytes1(io.BytesIO(b"\x00"))
>>> read_bytes1(io.BytesIO(b"\x03abcdef"))
raise ValueError("expected %d bytes in a bytes1, but only %d remain" %
bytes1 = ArgumentDescriptor(
doc="""A counted bytes string.
The first argument is a 1-byte unsigned int giving the number
of bytes, and the second argument is that many bytes.