use CodeIgniter\Config\BaseConfig;
class App extends BaseConfig
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* URL to your CodeIgniter root. Typically, this will be your base URL,
* E.g.,
public string $baseURL = '[[softurl]]/public/';
* Allowed Hostnames in the Site URL other than the hostname in the baseURL.
* If you want to accept multiple Hostnames, set this.
* When your site URL ($baseURL) is '', and your site
* also accepts '' and '':
* ['', '']
public array $allowedHostnames = [];
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Typically, this will be your `index.php` file, unless you've renamed it to
* something else. If you have configured your web server to remove this file
* from your site URIs, set this variable to an empty string.
public string $indexPage = 'index.php';
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* This item determines which server global should be used to retrieve the
* URI string. The default setting of 'REQUEST_URI' works for most servers.
* If your links do not seem to work, try one of the other delicious flavors:
* WARNING: If you set this to 'PATH_INFO', URIs will always be URL-decoded!
public string $uriProtocol = 'REQUEST_URI';
| This lets you specify which characters are permitted within your URLs.
| When someone tries to submit a URL with disallowed characters they will
| As a security measure you are STRONGLY encouraged to restrict URLs to
| as few characters as possible.
| By default, only these are allowed: `a-z 0-9~%.:_-`
| Set an empty string to allow all characters -- but only if you are insane.
| The configured value is actually a regular expression character group
| and it will be used as: '/\A[<permittedURIChars>]+\z/iu'
public string $permittedURIChars = 'a-z 0-9~%.:_\-';
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* The Locale roughly represents the language and location that your visitor
* is viewing the site from. It affects the language strings and other
* strings (like currency markers, numbers, etc), that your program
* should run under for this request.
public string $defaultLocale = 'en';
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* If true, the current Request object will automatically determine the
* language to use based on the value of the Accept-Language header.
* If false, no automatic detection will be performed.
public bool $negotiateLocale = false;
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* If $negotiateLocale is true, this array lists the locales supported
* by the application in descending order of priority. If no match is
* found, the first locale will be used.
* IncomingRequest::setLocale() also uses this list.
public array $supportedLocales = ['en'];
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* The default timezone that will be used in your application to display
* dates with the date helper, and can be retrieved through app_timezone()
* @see for list of timezones
public string $appTimezone = 'UTC';
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* This determines which character set is used by default in various methods
* that require a character set to be provided.
* @see for a list of supported charsets.
public string $charset = 'UTF-8';
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Force Global Secure Requests
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* If true, this will force every request made to this application to be
* made via a secure connection (HTTPS). If the incoming request is not
* secure, the user will be redirected to a secure version of the page
* and the HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) header will be set.
public bool $forceGlobalSecureRequests = false;
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* If your server is behind a reverse proxy, you must whitelist the proxy
* IP addresses from which CodeIgniter should trust headers such as
* X-Forwarded-For or Client-IP in order to properly identify
* the visitor's IP address.
* You need to set a proxy IP address or IP address with subnets and
* the HTTP header for the client IP address.
* Here are some examples:
* '' => 'X-Forwarded-For',
* '' => 'X-Real-IP',
* @var array<string, string>
public array $proxyIPs = [];
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Content Security Policy
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Enables the Response's Content Secure Policy to restrict the sources that
* can be used for images, scripts, CSS files, audio, video, etc. If enabled,
* the Response object will populate default values for the policy from the
* `ContentSecurityPolicy.php` file. Controllers can always add to those
* restrictions at run time.
* For a better understanding of CSP, see these documents:
* @see
* @see
public bool $CSPEnabled = false;