* $ID Project: Paste 2.0 - J.Samuel
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License in LIC.txt for more details.
// Max paste size in MB. This value should always be below the value of
// post_max_size in your PHP configuration settings (php.ini) or empty errors will occur.
// The value we got on installation of Paste was: post_max_size = 8M
// Otherwise, the maximum value that can be set is 4000 (4GB)
$pastelimit = "0.5"; // 0.5 = 512 kilobytes, 1 = 1MB
// OAUTH (to enable, change to yes and edit)
// "CHANGE THIS" = Replace with your details
define('FB_APP_ID', 'CHANGE THIS'); // Your application ID, see https://developers.facebook.com/docs/apps/register
define('FB_APP_SECRET', 'CHANGE THIS'); // What's your Secret key
define('G_Client_ID', 'CHANGE THIS'); // Get a Client ID from https://console.developers.google.com/projectselector/apis/library
define('G_Client_Secret', 'CHANGE THIS'); // What's your Secret key
define('G_Redirect_Uri', '[[softurl]]/oauth/google.php'); // Leave this as is
define('G_Application_Name', 'Paste'); // Make sure this matches the name of your application
$dbhost = "[[softdbhost]]";
$dbuser = "[[softdbuser]]";
$dbpassword = "[[softdbpass]]";
// Secret key for paste encryption
$sec_key = "[[sec_key]]";
// Set to 1 to enable Apache's mod_rewrite
// Available GeSHi formats
'6502acme' => 'ACME Cross Assembler',
'6502kickass' => 'Kick Assembler',
'6502tasm' => 'TASM/64TASS 1.46',
'68000devpac' => 'HiSoft Devpac ST 2',
'actionscript' => 'ActionScript',
'actionscript3' => 'ActionScript 3',
'applescript' => 'AppleScript',
'arm' => 'ARM Assembler',
'asymptote' => 'Asymptote',
'autoconf' => 'Autoconf',
'autohotkey' => 'Autohotkey',
'avisynth' => 'AviSynth',
'bascomavr' => 'BASCOM AVR',
'basic4gl' => 'Basic4GL',
'blitzbasic' => 'BlitzBasic',
'c_loadrunner' => 'C (LoadRunner)',
'c_winapi' => 'C (WinAPI)',
'chaiscript' => 'ChaiScript',
'coffeescript' => 'CoffeeScript',
'cpp-qt' => 'C++ (with QT extensions)',
'cpp-winapi' => 'C++ (WinAPI)',
'cuesheet' => 'Cuesheet',
'dcpu16' => 'DCPU-16 Assembly',
'ecmascript' => 'ECMAScript',
'email' => 'eMail (mbox)',
'euphoria' => 'Euphoria',
'freebasic' => 'FreeBasic',
'gettext' => 'GNU Gettext',
'html4strict' => 'HTML 4.01',
'intercal' => 'INTERCAL',
'ispfpanel' => 'ISPF Panel',
'javascript' => 'JavaScript',
'klonecpp' => 'KLone C++',
'locobasic' => 'Locomotive Basic',
'lotusformulas' => 'Lotus Notes @Formulas',
'lotusscript' => 'LotusScript',
'lscript' => 'Lightwave Script',
'lsl2' => 'Linden Script',
'm68k' => 'Motorola 68000 Assembler',
'mapbasic' => 'MapBasic',
'markdown' => 'Markdown',
'mirc' => 'mIRC Scripting',
'mpasm' => 'Microchip Assembler',
'ocaml-brief' => 'OCaml (Brief)',
'octave' => 'GNU/Octave',
'oobas' => 'OpenOffice.org Basic',
'oracle11' => 'Oracle 11 SQL',
'oracle8' => 'Oracle 8 SQL',
'oxygene' => 'Oxygene (Delphi Prism)',
'parasail' => 'ParaSail',
'pf' => 'OpenBSD Packet Filter',
'php-brief' => 'PHP (Brief)',
'pic16' => 'PIC16 Assembler',
'pixelbender' => 'Pixel Bender',
'postgresql' => 'PostgreSQL',
'powerbuilder' => 'PowerBuilder',
'powershell' => 'PowerShell',
'proftpd' => 'ProFTPd config',
'progress' => 'Progress',
'properties' => 'Properties',
'providex' => 'ProvideX',
'purebasic' => 'PureBasic',
'pycon' => 'Python (console mode)',
'pys60' => 'Python for S60',
'qbasic' => 'QuickBASIC',
'rails' => 'Ruby on Rails',
'reg' => 'Microsoft REGEDIT',
'robots' => 'robots.txt',
'rpmspec' => 'RPM Specification File',
'sdlbasic' => 'sdlBasic',
'smalltalk' => 'Smalltalk',
'stonescript' => 'StoneScript',
'systemverilog' => 'SystemVerilog',
'teraterm' => 'Tera Term Macro',
'thinbasic' => 'thinBasic',
'typoscript' => 'TypoScript',
'unrealscript' => 'Unreal Script',
'vbscript' => 'VB Script',
'vedit' => 'Vedit Macro',
'visualfoxpro' => 'Visual FoxPro',
'visualprolog' => 'Visual Prolog',
'whitespace' => 'Whitespace',
'whois' => 'WHOIS (RPSL format)',
'winbatch' => 'WinBatch',
'xorg_conf' => 'Xorg Config',
'z80' => 'ZiLOG Z80 Assembler',
// Popular formats that are listed first.