"""Support for remote Python debugging.
Some ASCII art to describe the structure:
+----------+ # +------------+ +-----+
| GUIProxy |--remote#call-->| GUIAdapter |--calls-->| GUI |
+-----+--calls-->+----------+ # +------------+ +-----+
+-----+<-calls--+------------+ # +----------+<--calls-/
| IdbAdapter |<--remote#call--| IdbProxy |
+------------+ # +----------+
The purpose of the Proxy and Adapter classes is to translate certain
arguments and return values that cannot be transported through the RPC
barrier, in particular frame and traceback objects.
from idlelib import Debugger
idb_adap_oid = "idb_adapter"
gui_adap_oid = "gui_adapter"
# In the PYTHON subprocess:
"replace info[2], a traceback instance, by its ID"
assert isinstance(traceback, types.TracebackType)
traceback_id = id(traceback)
tracebacktable[traceback_id] = traceback
modified_info = (info[0], info[1], traceback_id)
def __init__(self, conn, gui_adap_oid):
def interaction(self, message, frame, info=None):
# calls rpc.SocketIO.remotecall() via run.MyHandler instance
# pass frame and traceback object IDs instead of the objects themselves
self.conn.remotecall(self.oid, "interaction",
(message, wrap_frame(frame), wrap_info(info)),
#----------called by an IdbProxy----------
def set_return(self, fid):
def get_stack(self, fid, tbid):
##print >>sys.__stderr__, "get_stack(%r, %r)" % (fid, tbid)
tb = tracebacktable[tbid]
stack, i = self.idb.get_stack(frame, tb)
##print >>sys.__stderr__, "get_stack() ->", stack
stack = [(wrap_frame(frame2), k) for frame2, k in stack]
##print >>sys.__stderr__, "get_stack() ->", stack
self.idb.run(cmd, __main__.__dict__)
def set_break(self, filename, lineno):
msg = self.idb.set_break(filename, lineno)
def clear_break(self, filename, lineno):
msg = self.idb.clear_break(filename, lineno)
def clear_all_file_breaks(self, filename):
msg = self.idb.clear_all_file_breaks(filename)
#----------called by a FrameProxy----------
def frame_attr(self, fid, name):
return getattr(frame, name)
def frame_globals(self, fid):
def frame_locals(self, fid):
def frame_code(self, fid):
#----------called by a CodeProxy----------
def code_name(self, cid):
def code_filename(self, cid):
#----------called by a DictProxy----------
def dict_keys(self, did):
def dict_item(self, did, key):
#----------end class IdbAdapter----------
def start_debugger(rpchandler, gui_adap_oid):
"""Start the debugger and its RPC link in the Python subprocess
Start the subprocess side of the split debugger and set up that side of the
RPC link by instantiating the GUIProxy, Idb debugger, and IdbAdapter
objects and linking them together. Register the IdbAdapter with the
RPCServer to handle RPC requests from the split debugger GUI via the
gui_proxy = GUIProxy(rpchandler, gui_adap_oid)
idb = Debugger.Idb(gui_proxy)
idb_adap = IdbAdapter(idb)
rpchandler.register(idb_adap_oid, idb_adap)
def __init__(self, conn, fid):
self._oid = "idb_adapter"
def __getattr__(self, name):
raise AttributeError, name
return self._get_f_code()
return self._get_f_globals()
return self._get_f_locals()
return self._conn.remotecall(self._oid, "frame_attr",
cid = self._conn.remotecall(self._oid, "frame_code", (self._fid,), {})
return CodeProxy(self._conn, self._oid, cid)
def _get_f_globals(self):
did = self._conn.remotecall(self._oid, "frame_globals",
return self._get_dict_proxy(did)
did = self._conn.remotecall(self._oid, "frame_locals",
return self._get_dict_proxy(did)
def _get_dict_proxy(self, did):
if did in self._dictcache:
return self._dictcache[did]
dp = DictProxy(self._conn, self._oid, did)
self._dictcache[did] = dp
def __init__(self, conn, oid, cid):
def __getattr__(self, name):
return self._conn.remotecall(self._oid, "code_name",
if name == "co_filename":
return self._conn.remotecall(self._oid, "code_filename",
def __init__(self, conn, oid, did):
return self._conn.remotecall(self._oid, "dict_keys", (self._did,), {})
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self._conn.remotecall(self._oid, "dict_item",
def __getattr__(self, name):
##print >>sys.__stderr__, "failed DictProxy.__getattr__:", name
raise AttributeError, name
def __init__(self, conn, gui):
def interaction(self, message, fid, modified_info):
##print "interaction: (%s, %s, %s)" % (message, fid, modified_info)
frame = FrameProxy(self.conn, fid)
self.gui.interaction(message, frame, modified_info)
def __init__(self, conn, shell, oid):
def call(self, methodname, *args, **kwargs):
##print "**IdbProxy.call %s %s %s" % (methodname, args, kwargs)
value = self.conn.remotecall(self.oid, methodname, args, kwargs)
##print "**IdbProxy.call %s returns %r" % (methodname, value)
def run(self, cmd, locals):
# Ignores locals on purpose!
seq = self.conn.asyncqueue(self.oid, "run", (cmd,), {})
self.shell.interp.active_seq = seq
def get_stack(self, frame, tbid):
# passing frame and traceback IDs, not the objects themselves
stack, i = self.call("get_stack", frame._fid, tbid)
stack = [(FrameProxy(self.conn, fid), k) for fid, k in stack]
def set_next(self, frame):
self.call("set_next", frame._fid)
def set_return(self, frame):
self.call("set_return", frame._fid)
def set_break(self, filename, lineno):
msg = self.call("set_break", filename, lineno)
def clear_break(self, filename, lineno):
msg = self.call("clear_break", filename, lineno)
def clear_all_file_breaks(self, filename):
msg = self.call("clear_all_file_breaks", filename)
def start_remote_debugger(rpcclt, pyshell):
"""Start the subprocess debugger, initialize the debugger GUI and RPC link
Request the RPCServer start the Python subprocess debugger and link. Set
up the Idle side of the split debugger by instantiating the IdbProxy,
debugger GUI, and debugger GUIAdapter objects and linking them together.
Register the GUIAdapter with the RPCClient to handle debugger GUI
interaction requests coming from the subprocess debugger via the GUIProxy.
The IdbAdapter will pass execution and environment requests coming from the
Idle debugger GUI to the subprocess debugger via the IdbProxy.
idb_adap_oid = rpcclt.remotecall("exec", "start_the_debugger",\
idb_proxy = IdbProxy(rpcclt, pyshell, idb_adap_oid)
gui = Debugger.Debugger(pyshell, idb_proxy)
gui_adap = GUIAdapter(rpcclt, gui)
rpcclt.register(gui_adap_oid, gui_adap)
def close_remote_debugger(rpcclt):
"""Shut down subprocess debugger and Idle side of debugger RPC link
Request that the RPCServer shut down the subprocess debugger and link.
Unregister the GUIAdapter, which will cause a GC on the Idle process
debugger and RPC link objects. (The second reference to the debugger GUI
is deleted in PyShell.close_remote_debugger().)
def close_subprocess_debugger(rpcclt):
rpcclt.remotecall("exec", "stop_the_debugger", (idb_adap_oid,), {})
def restart_subprocess_debugger(rpcclt):
idb_adap_oid_ret = rpcclt.remotecall("exec", "start_the_debugger",\
assert idb_adap_oid_ret == idb_adap_oid, 'Idb restarted with different oid'