<?php if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) exit;
* Class NF_Abstracts_Batch_Process
class NF_Admin_Processes_ImportForm extends NF_Abstracts_BatchProcess
protected $_slug = 'import_form';
private $fields_per_step = 20;
* Store an array of columns that we want to store in our table rather than meta.
* This array stores the column name and the name of the setting that it maps to.
* array( 'COLUMN_NAME' => 'SETTING_NAME' )
protected $forms_db_columns = array(
'created_at' => 'created_at',
'default_label_pos' => 'default_label_pos',
'show_title' => 'show_title',
'clear_complete' => 'clear_complete',
'hide_complete' => 'hide_complete',
'logged_in' => 'logged_in',
protected $fields_db_columns = array(
'parent_id' => 'parent_id',
'field_label' => 'label',
'required' => 'required',
'default_value' => 'default',
'label_pos' => 'label_pos',
'personally_identifiable' => 'personally_identifiable',
protected $actions_db_columns = array(
'parent_id' =>'parent_id',
'created_at' =>'created_at',
'updated_at' =>'updated_at',
* Function to run any setup steps necessary to begin processing.
public function startup()
// If we aren't passed any form content, bail.
if ( empty ( $_POST[ 'extraData' ][ 'content' ] ) ) {
$this->add_error( 'empty_content', esc_html__( 'No export provided.', 'ninja-forms' ), 'fatal' );
$extra_content = WPN_Helper::esc_html($_POST[ 'extraData' ][ 'content']);
$data = explode( ';base64,', $extra_content );
$data = base64_decode( $data[ 1 ] );
* $data could now hold two things, depending on whether this was a 2.9 or 3.0 export.
* If it's a 3.0 export, the data will be json encoded.
* If it's a 2.9 export, the data will be serialized.
* We're first going to try to json_decode. If we don't get an array, we'll unserialize.
$decoded_data = json_decode( WPN_Helper::json_cleanup( html_entity_decode( $data, ENT_QUOTES ) ), true );
// If we don't have an array, try unserializing
if ( ! is_array( $decoded_data ) ) {
$decoded_data = WPN_Helper::maybe_unserialize( $data );
if ( ! is_array( $decoded_data ) ) {
$decoded_data = json_decode( $decoded_data, true );
// Try to utf8 decode our results.
$data = WPN_Helper::utf8_decode( $decoded_data );
// If json_encode returns false, then this is an invalid utf8 decode.
if ( ! json_encode( $data ) ) {
if ( ! is_array( $data ) ) {
$this->add_error( 'decode_failed', esc_html__( 'Failed to read export. Please try again.', 'ninja-forms' ), 'fatal' );
$data = $this->import_form_backwards_compatibility( $data );
// $data is now a form array.
* Check to see if we've got new field columns.
* We do this here instead of the get_sql_queries() method so that we don't hit the db multiple times.
$sql = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM {$this->_db->prefix}nf3_fields LIKE 'field_key'";
$results = $this->_db->get_results( $sql );
* If we don't have the field_key column, we need to remove our new columns.
* Also, set our db stage 1 tracker to false.
if ( empty ( $results ) ) {
unset( $this->actions_db_columns[ 'label' ] );
$db_stage_one_complete = false;
// Add a form value that stores whether or not we have our new DB columns.
$db_stage_one_complete = true;
$this->form[ 'db_stage_one_complete' ] = $db_stage_one_complete;
* On processing steps after the first, we need to grab our data from our saved option.
public function restart()
// Get our remaining fields from the database.
$this->form = get_option( 'nf_import_form', array() );
* Function to loop over the batch.
public function process()
* Check to see if our $this->form var contains an 'ID' index.
* If it doesn't, then we need to:
* Insert our Action Meta.
* Unset [ 'settings' ] and [ 'actions' ] from $this->form.
* Update $this->form[ 'ID' ].
* Save our processing option.
* Move on to the next step.
if ( ! isset( $this->form[ 'ID' ] ) ) {
} else { // We have a form ID set.
// If we don't have any more fields to insert, we're done.
if ( empty( $this->form[ 'fields' ] ) ) {
// Update our form cache for the new form.
WPN_Helper::build_nf_cache( $this->form[ 'ID' ] );
// We're done with this batch process.
} else { // We have fields left to process.
* If we have fields left, we need to reset the index.
* Since fields is a non-associative array, we are looping over it by sequential numeric index.
* Resetting the index ensures we always have a 0 -> COUNT() keys.
$this->form[ 'fields' ] = array_values( $this->form[ 'fields' ] );
update_option( 'nf_import_form', $this->form, 'no' );
// Move on to the next step in processing.
* Function to cleanup any lingering temporary elements of a batch process after completion.
public function cleanup()
// Remove the option we used to track between
delete_option( 'nf_import_form' );
// Return our new Form ID
$this->response[ 'form_id' ] = $this->form[ 'ID' ];
* Determines the amount of steps needed for the step processors.
* @return int of the number of steps.
public function get_steps()
* We want to run a step for every $this->fields_per_step fields on this form.
* If we have no fields, then we want to return 0.
if ( ! isset ( $this->form[ 'fields' ] ) || empty ( $this->form[ 'fields' ] ) ) {
$steps = count( $this->form[ 'fields' ] ) / $this->fields_per_step;
* Insert our form using $this->_db->insert by building an array of column => value pairs and %s, %d types.
public function insert_form()
$insert_columns = array();
$insert_columns_types = array();
foreach ( $this->forms_db_columns as $column_name => $setting_name ) {
// Make sure we don't try to set created_at to NULL.
if( 'created_at' === $column_name && is_null( $this->form[ 'settings' ][ $setting_name ] ) ) continue;
$insert_columns[ $column_name ] = $this->form[ 'settings' ][ $setting_name ];
if ( is_numeric( $this->form[ 'settings' ][ $setting_name ] ) ) {
array_push( $insert_columns_types, '%d' );
array_push( $insert_columns_types, '%s' );
$this->_db->insert( "{$this->_db->prefix}nf3_forms", $insert_columns, $insert_columns_types );
// Update our form ID with the newly inserted row ID.
$this->form[ 'ID' ] = $this->_db->insert_id;
if ( 0 === $this->form[ 'ID' ] ) {
$this->add_error( 'insert_failed', esc_html__( 'Failed to insert new form.', 'ninja-forms' ), 'fatal' );
// Remove our settings and actions array items.
unset( $this->form[ 'settings' ], $this->form[ 'actions' ] );
* Loop over our remaining form settings that we need to insert into meta.
* Add them to our "Values" string for insertion later.
public function insert_form_meta()
$blacklist = apply_filters( 'ninja_forms_excluded_import_form_settings', $blacklist );
foreach( $this->form[ 'settings' ] as $meta_key => $meta_value ) {
if ( in_array( $meta_key, $blacklist ) ) continue;
$meta_value = maybe_serialize( $meta_value );
$this->_db->escape_by_ref( $meta_value );
$insert_values .= "( {$this->form[ 'ID' ]}, '{$meta_key}', '{$meta_value}'";
if ( $this->form[ 'db_stage_one_complete'] ) {
$insert_values .= ", '{$meta_key}', '{$meta_value}'";
// Remove the trailing comma.
$insert_values = rtrim( $insert_values, ',' );
$insert_columns = '`parent_id`, `key`, `value`';
if ( $this->form[ 'db_stage_one_complete'] ) {
$insert_columns .= ', `meta_key`, `meta_value`';
$sql = "INSERT INTO {$this->_db->prefix}nf3_form_meta ( {$insert_columns} ) VALUES {$insert_values}";
$this->_db->query( $sql );
* Insert Actions and Action Meta.
* Loop over actions for this form and insert actions and action meta.
public function insert_actions()
foreach( $this->form[ 'actions' ] as $action_settings ) {
$action_settings[ 'parent_id' ] = $this->form[ 'ID' ];
// Array that tracks which settings need to be meta and which are columns.
$action_meta = $action_settings;
$insert_columns = array();
$insert_columns_types = array();
// Loop over all our action columns to get their values.
foreach ( $this->actions_db_columns as $column_name => $setting_name ) {
$insert_columns[ $column_name ] = $action_settings[ $setting_name ];
if ( is_numeric( $action_settings[ $setting_name ] ) ) {
array_push( $insert_columns_types, '%d' );
array_push( $insert_columns_types, '%s' );
$this->_db->insert( "{$this->_db->prefix}nf3_actions", $insert_columns, $insert_columns_types );
// Get our new action ID.
$action_id = $this->_db->insert_id;
* Anything left in the $action_meta array should be inserted as meta.
* Loop over each of our settings and add it to our insert sql string.
foreach ( $action_meta as $meta_key => $meta_value ) {
$meta_value = maybe_serialize( $meta_value );
$this->_db->escape_by_ref( $meta_value );
$insert_values .= "( {$action_id}, '{$meta_key}', '{$meta_value}'";
if ( $this->form[ 'db_stage_one_complete'] ) {
$insert_values .= ", '{$meta_key}', '{$meta_value}'";
// Remove the trailing comma.
$insert_values = rtrim( $insert_values, ',' );
$insert_columns = '`parent_id`, `key`, `value`';
if ( $this->form[ 'db_stage_one_complete'] ) {
$insert_columns .= ', `meta_key`, `meta_value`';
$sql = "INSERT INTO {$this->_db->prefix}nf3_action_meta ( {$insert_columns} ) VALUES {$insert_values}";
$this->_db->query( $sql );
* If we have a Form ID set, then we've already inserted our Form, Form Meta, Actions, and Action Meta.
* All we have left to insert are fields.
* Loop over our fields array and insert up to $this->fields_per_step.
* After we've inserted the field, unset it from our form array.
* Update our processing option with $this->form.
* Respond with the remaining steps.
public function insert_fields()
// Remove new field table columns if we haven't completed stage one of our DB conversion.
if ( ! $this->form[ 'db_stage_one_complete' ] ) {
// Remove field columns added after stage one.
unset( $this->fields_db_columns[ 'field_key' ] );
unset( $this->fields_db_columns[ 'field_label' ] );
unset( $this->fields_db_columns[ 'order' ] );
unset( $this->fields_db_columns[ 'required' ] );
unset( $this->fields_db_columns[ 'default_value' ] );
unset( $this->fields_db_columns[ 'label_pos' ] );
unset( $this->fields_db_columns[ 'personally_identifiable' ] );
* Loop over our field array up to $this->fields_per_step.
for ( $i = 0; $i < $this->fields_per_step; $i++ ) {
// If we don't have a field, skip this $i.
if ( ! isset ( $this->form[ 'fields' ][ $i ] ) ) {
// Remove this field from our fields array.
unset( $this->form[ 'fields' ][ $i ] );
// If we haven't exceeded the field total...
if ( $i < count( $this->form[ 'fields' ] ) ) {
$this->add_error( 'empty_field', esc_html__( 'Some fields might not have been imported properly.', 'ninja-forms' ) );
$field_settings = $this->form[ 'fields' ][ $i ];
// Remove a field ID if we have one set.
unset( $field_settings[ 'id' ] );
$field_settings[ 'parent_id' ] = $this->form[ 'ID' ];
// Array that tracks which settings need to be meta and which are columns.
$field_meta = $field_settings;
$insert_columns = array();
$insert_columns_types = array();
// Loop over all our action columns to get their values.
foreach ( $this->fields_db_columns as $column_name => $setting_name ) {
$insert_columns[ $column_name ] = $field_settings[ $setting_name ];
if ( is_numeric( $field_settings[ $setting_name ] ) ) {
array_push( $insert_columns_types, '%d' );
array_push( $insert_columns_types, '%s' );
// Add our field to the database.
$this->_db->insert( "{$this->_db->prefix}nf3_fields", $insert_columns, $insert_columns_types );
$field_id = $this->_db->insert_id;
* Anything left in the $field_meta array should be inserted as meta.
* Loop over each of our settings and add it to our insert sql string.
foreach ( $field_meta as $meta_key => $meta_value ) {
$meta_value = maybe_serialize( $meta_value );
$this->_db->escape_by_ref( $meta_value );
$insert_values .= "( {$field_id}, '{$meta_key}', '{$meta_value}'";
if ( $this->form[ 'db_stage_one_complete'] ) {
$insert_values .= ", '{$meta_key}', '{$meta_value}'";
// Remove the trailing comma.
$insert_values = rtrim( $insert_values, ',' );
$insert_columns = '`parent_id`, `key`, `value`';
if ( $this->form[ 'db_stage_one_complete'] ) {
$insert_columns .= ', `meta_key`, `meta_value`';
$sql = "INSERT INTO {$this->_db->prefix}nf3_field_meta ( {$insert_columns} ) VALUES {$insert_values}";
$this->_db->query( $sql );
// Remove this field from our fields array.
unset( $this->form[ 'fields' ][ $i ] );
| Backwards Compatibility
public function import_form_backwards_compatibility( $import )
// Rename `data` to `settings`
if( isset( $import[ 'data' ] ) ){
$import[ 'settings' ] = $import[ 'data' ];
unset( $import[ 'data' ] );
// Rename `notifications` to `actions`
if( isset( $import[ 'notifications' ] ) ){
$import[ 'actions' ] = $import[ 'notifications' ];
unset( $import[ 'notifications' ] );
// Rename `form_title` to `title`
if( isset( $import[ 'settings' ][ 'form_title' ] ) ){