funcs = [f for f in gc.get_referrers(code)
if inspect.isfunction(f)]
# require len(func) == 1 to avoid ambiguity caused by calls to
# new.function(): "In the face of ambiguity, refuse the
dicts = [d for d in gc.get_referrers(funcs[0])
classes = [c for c in gc.get_referrers(dicts[0])
if hasattr(c, "__bases__")]
# ditto for new.classobj()
clsname = classes[0].__name__
# cache the result - assumption is that new.* is
# not called later to disturb this relationship
# _caller_cache could be flushed if functions in
# the new module get called.
self._caller_cache[code] = clsname
funcname = "%s.%s" % (clsname, funcname)
return filename, modulename, funcname
def globaltrace_trackcallers(self, frame, why, arg):
"""Handler for call events.
Adds information about who called who to the self._callers dict.
# XXX Should do a better job of identifying methods
this_func = self.file_module_function_of(frame)
parent_func = self.file_module_function_of(frame.f_back)
self._callers[(parent_func, this_func)] = 1
def globaltrace_countfuncs(self, frame, why, arg):
"""Handler for call events.
Adds (filename, modulename, funcname) to the self._calledfuncs dict.
this_func = self.file_module_function_of(frame)
self._calledfuncs[this_func] = 1
def globaltrace_lt(self, frame, why, arg):
"""Handler for call events.
If the code block being entered is to be ignored, returns `None',
else returns self.localtrace.
filename = frame.f_globals.get('__file__', None)
# XXX _modname() doesn't work right for packages, so
# the ignore support won't work right for packages
modulename = _modname(filename)
if modulename is not None:
ignore_it = self.ignore.names(filename, modulename)
print((" --- modulename: %s, funcname: %s"
% (modulename, code.co_name)))
def localtrace_trace_and_count(self, frame, why, arg):
# record the file name and line number of every trace
filename = frame.f_code.co_filename
self.counts[key] = self.counts.get(key, 0) + 1
print('%.2f' % (_time() - self.start_time), end=' ')
bname = os.path.basename(filename)
print("%s(%d): %s" % (bname, lineno,
linecache.getline(filename, lineno)), end='')
def localtrace_trace(self, frame, why, arg):
# record the file name and line number of every trace
filename = frame.f_code.co_filename
print('%.2f' % (_time() - self.start_time), end=' ')
bname = os.path.basename(filename)
print("%s(%d): %s" % (bname, lineno,
linecache.getline(filename, lineno)), end='')
def localtrace_count(self, frame, why, arg):
filename = frame.f_code.co_filename
self.counts[key] = self.counts.get(key, 0) + 1
return CoverageResults(self.counts, infile=self.infile,
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='trace 2.0')
grp = parser.add_argument_group('Main options',
'One of these (or --report) must be given')
grp.add_argument('-c', '--count', action='store_true',
help='Count the number of times each line is executed and write '
'the counts to <module>.cover for each module executed, in '
'the module\'s directory. See also --coverdir, --file, '
grp.add_argument('-t', '--trace', action='store_true',
help='Print each line to sys.stdout before it is executed')
grp.add_argument('-l', '--listfuncs', action='store_true',
help='Keep track of which functions are executed at least once '
'and write the results to sys.stdout after the program exits. '
'Cannot be specified alongside --trace or --count.')
grp.add_argument('-T', '--trackcalls', action='store_true',
help='Keep track of caller/called pairs and write the results to '
'sys.stdout after the program exits.')
grp = parser.add_argument_group('Modifiers')
_grp = grp.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
_grp.add_argument('-r', '--report', action='store_true',
help='Generate a report from a counts file; does not execute any '
'code. --file must specify the results file to read, which '
'must have been created in a previous run with --count '
_grp.add_argument('-R', '--no-report', action='store_true',
help='Do not generate the coverage report files. '
'Useful if you want to accumulate over several runs.')
grp.add_argument('-f', '--file',
help='File to accumulate counts over several runs')
grp.add_argument('-C', '--coverdir',
help='Directory where the report files go. The coverage report '
'for <package>.<module> will be written to file '
grp.add_argument('-m', '--missing', action='store_true',
help='Annotate executable lines that were not executed with '
grp.add_argument('-s', '--summary', action='store_true',
help='Write a brief summary for each file to sys.stdout. '
'Can only be used with --count or --report')
grp.add_argument('-g', '--timing', action='store_true',
help='Prefix each line with the time since the program started. '
'Only used while tracing')
grp = parser.add_argument_group('Filters',
'Can be specified multiple times')
grp.add_argument('--ignore-module', action='append', default=[],
help='Ignore the given module(s) and its submodules '
'(if it is a package). Accepts comma separated list of '
grp.add_argument('--ignore-dir', action='append', default=[],
help='Ignore files in the given directory '
'(multiple directories can be joined by os.pathsep).')
parser.add_argument('--module', action='store_true', default=False,
parser.add_argument('progname', nargs='?',
help='file to run as main program')
parser.add_argument('arguments', nargs=argparse.REMAINDER,
help='arguments to the program')
opts = parser.parse_args()
_prefix = sysconfig.get_path("stdlib")
_exec_prefix = sysconfig.get_path("platstdlib")
s = os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(s))
s = s.replace('$prefix', _prefix).replace('$exec_prefix', _exec_prefix)
return os.path.normpath(s)
opts.ignore_module = [mod.strip()
for i in opts.ignore_module for mod in i.split(',')]
opts.ignore_dir = [parse_ignore_dir(s)
for i in opts.ignore_dir for s in i.split(os.pathsep)]
parser.error('-r/--report requires -f/--file')
results = CoverageResults(infile=opts.file, outfile=opts.file)
return results.write_results(opts.missing, opts.summary, opts.coverdir)
if not any([opts.trace, opts.count, opts.listfuncs, opts.trackcalls]):
parser.error('must specify one of --trace, --count, --report, '
'--listfuncs, or --trackcalls')
if opts.listfuncs and (opts.count or opts.trace):
parser.error('cannot specify both --listfuncs and (--trace or --count)')
if opts.summary and not opts.count:
parser.error('--summary can only be used with --count or --report')
if opts.progname is None:
parser.error('progname is missing: required with the main options')
t = Trace(opts.count, opts.trace, countfuncs=opts.listfuncs,
countcallers=opts.trackcalls, ignoremods=opts.ignore_module,
ignoredirs=opts.ignore_dir, infile=opts.file,
outfile=opts.file, timing=opts.timing)
module_name = opts.progname
mod_name, mod_spec, code = runpy._get_module_details(module_name)
sys.argv = [code.co_filename, *opts.arguments]
'__file__': code.co_filename,
'__package__': mod_spec.parent,
'__loader__': mod_spec.loader,
sys.argv = [opts.progname, *opts.arguments]
sys.path[0] = os.path.dirname(opts.progname)
with io.open_code(opts.progname) as fp:
code = compile(, opts.progname, 'exec')
# try to emulate __main__ namespace as much as possible
'__file__': opts.progname,
t.runctx(code, globs, globs)
sys.exit("Cannot run file %r because: %s" % (sys.argv[0], err))
results.write_results(opts.missing, opts.summary, opts.coverdir)