class, cursor, style, takefocus
orient, length, mode, maximum, value, variable, phase
Widget.__init__(self, master, "ttk::progressbar", kw)
def start(self, interval=None):
"""Begin autoincrement mode: schedules a recurring timer event
that calls method step every interval milliseconds.
interval defaults to 50 milliseconds (20 steps/second) if omitted.""", "start", interval)
def step(self, amount=None):
"""Increments the value option by amount.
amount defaults to 1.0 if omitted.""", "step", amount)
"""Stop autoincrement mode: cancels any recurring timer event, "stop")
class Radiobutton(Widget):
"""Ttk Radiobutton widgets are used in groups to show or change a
set of mutually-exclusive options."""
def __init__(self, master=None, **kw):
"""Construct a Ttk Radiobutton with parent master.
class, compound, cursor, image, state, style, takefocus,
text, textvariable, underline, width
Widget.__init__(self, master, "ttk::radiobutton", kw)
"""Sets the option variable to the option value, selects the
widget, and invokes the associated command.
Returns the result of the command, or an empty string if
no command is specified."""
return, "invoke")
class Scale(Widget, tkinter.Scale):
"""Ttk Scale widget is typically used to control the numeric value of
a linked variable that varies uniformly over some range."""
def __init__(self, master=None, **kw):
"""Construct a Ttk Scale with parent master.
class, cursor, style, takefocus
command, from, length, orient, to, value, variable
Widget.__init__(self, master, "ttk::scale", kw)
def configure(self, cnf=None, **kw):
"""Modify or query scale options.
Setting a value for any of the "from", "from_" or "to" options
generates a <<RangeChanged>> event."""
retval = Widget.configure(self, cnf, **kw)
if not isinstance(cnf, (type(None), str)):
if any(['from' in kw, 'from_' in kw, 'to' in kw]):
def get(self, x=None, y=None):
"""Get the current value of the value option, or the value
corresponding to the coordinates x, y if they are specified.
x and y are pixel coordinates relative to the scale widget
return, 'get', x, y)
class Scrollbar(Widget, tkinter.Scrollbar):
"""Ttk Scrollbar controls the viewport of a scrollable widget."""
def __init__(self, master=None, **kw):
"""Construct a Ttk Scrollbar with parent master.
class, cursor, style, takefocus
Widget.__init__(self, master, "ttk::scrollbar", kw)
"""Ttk Separator widget displays a horizontal or vertical separator
def __init__(self, master=None, **kw):
"""Construct a Ttk Separator with parent master.
class, cursor, style, takefocus
Widget.__init__(self, master, "ttk::separator", kw)
"""Ttk Sizegrip allows the user to resize the containing toplevel
window by pressing and dragging the grip."""
def __init__(self, master=None, **kw):
"""Construct a Ttk Sizegrip with parent master.
class, cursor, state, style, takefocus
Widget.__init__(self, master, "ttk::sizegrip", kw)
"""Ttk Spinbox is an Entry with increment and decrement arrows
It is commonly used for number entry or to select from a list of
def __init__(self, master=None, **kw):
"""Construct a Ttk Spinbox widget with the parent master.
class, cursor, style, takefocus, validate,
validatecommand, xscrollcommand, invalidcommand
to, from_, increment, values, wrap, format, command
Entry.__init__(self, master, "ttk::spinbox", **kw)
"""Sets the value of the Spinbox to value.""", "set", value)
class Treeview(Widget, tkinter.XView, tkinter.YView):
"""Ttk Treeview widget displays a hierarchical collection of items.
Each item has a textual label, an optional image, and an optional list
of data values. The data values are displayed in successive columns
def __init__(self, master=None, **kw):
"""Construct a Ttk Treeview with parent master.
class, cursor, style, takefocus, xscrollcommand,
columns, displaycolumns, height, padding, selectmode, show
text, image, values, open, tags
foreground, background, font, image
Widget.__init__(self, master, "ttk::treeview", kw)
def bbox(self, item, column=None):
"""Returns the bounding box (relative to the treeview widget's
window) of the specified item in the form x y width height.
If column is specified, returns the bounding box of that cell.
If the item is not visible (i.e., if it is a descendant of a
closed item or is scrolled offscreen), returns an empty string."""
return self._getints(, "bbox", item, column)) or ''
def get_children(self, item=None):
"""Returns a tuple of children belonging to item.
If item is not specified, returns root children."""
return, "children", item or '') or ())
def set_children(self, item, *newchildren):
"""Replaces item's child with newchildren.
Children present in item that are not present in newchildren
are detached from tree. No items in newchildren may be an, "children", item, newchildren)
def column(self, column, option=None, **kw):
"""Query or modify the options for the specified column.
If kw is not given, returns a dict of the column option values. If
option is specified then the value for that option is returned.
Otherwise, sets the options to the corresponding values."""
return _val_or_dict(, kw, self._w, "column", column)
def delete(self, *items):
"""Delete all specified items and all their descendants. The root
item may not be deleted.""", "delete", items)
def detach(self, *items):
"""Unlinks all of the specified items from the tree.
The items and all of their descendants are still present, and may
be reinserted at another point in the tree, but will not be
displayed. The root item may not be detached.""", "detach", items)
"""Returns True if the specified item is present in the tree,
return, "exists", item))
def focus(self, item=None):
"""If item is specified, sets the focus item to item. Otherwise,
returns the current focus item, or '' if there is none."""
return, "focus", item)
def heading(self, column, option=None, **kw):
"""Query or modify the heading options for the specified column.
If kw is not given, returns a dict of the heading option values. If
option is specified then the value for that option is returned.
Otherwise, sets the options to the corresponding values.
Valid options/values are:
The text to display in the column heading
Specifies an image to display to the right of the column
Specifies how the heading text should be aligned. One of
the standard Tk anchor values
A callback to be invoked when the heading label is
To configure the tree column heading, call this with column = "#0" """
if cmd and not isinstance(cmd, str):
# callback not registered yet, do it now
kw['command'] = self.master.register(cmd, self._substitute)
return _val_or_dict(, kw, self._w, 'heading', column)
def identify(self, component, x, y):
"""Returns a description of the specified component under the
point given by x and y, or the empty string if no such component
is present at that position."""
return, "identify", component, x, y)
def identify_row(self, y):
"""Returns the item ID of the item at position y."""
return self.identify("row", 0, y)
def identify_column(self, x):
"""Returns the data column identifier of the cell at position x.
The tree column has ID #0."""
return self.identify("column", x, 0)
def identify_region(self, x, y):
heading: Tree heading area.
separator: Space between two columns headings;
* Availability: Tk 8.6"""
return self.identify("region", x, y)
def identify_element(self, x, y):
"""Returns the element at position x, y.
* Availability: Tk 8.6"""
return self.identify("element", x, y)
"""Returns the integer index of item within its parent's list
return, "index", item))
def insert(self, parent, index, iid=None, **kw):
"""Creates a new item and return the item identifier of the newly
parent is the item ID of the parent item, or the empty string
to create a new top-level item. index is an integer, or the value
end, specifying where in the list of parent's children to insert
the new item. If index is less than or equal to zero, the new node
is inserted at the beginning, if index is greater than or equal to
the current number of children, it is inserted at the end. If iid
is specified, it is used as the item identifier, iid must not
already exist in the tree. Otherwise, a new unique identifier
opts = _format_optdict(kw)
res =, "insert", parent, index,
res =, "insert", parent, index, *opts)
def item(self, item, option=None, **kw):
"""Query or modify the options for the specified item.
If no options are given, a dict with options/values for the item
is returned. If option is specified then the value for that option
is returned. Otherwise, sets the options to the corresponding
values as given by kw."""
return _val_or_dict(, kw, self._w, "item", item)
def move(self, item, parent, index):
"""Moves item to position index in parent's list of children.
It is illegal to move an item under one of its descendants. If
index is less than or equal to zero, item is moved to the
beginning, if greater than or equal to the number of children,
it is moved to the end. If item was detached it is reattached.""", "move", item, parent, index)
reattach = move # A sensible method name for reattaching detached items
"""Returns the identifier of item's next sibling, or '' if item
is the last child of its parent."""
return, "next", item)
"""Returns the ID of the parent of item, or '' if item is at the
top level of the hierarchy."""
return, "parent", item)
"""Returns the identifier of item's previous sibling, or '' if
item is the first child of its parent."""
return, "prev", item)
"""Ensure that item is visible.
Sets all of item's ancestors open option to True, and scrolls
the widget if necessary so that item is within the visible, "see", item)
"""Returns the tuple of selected items."""
return, "selection"))
def _selection(self, selop, items):
if len(items) == 1 and isinstance(items[0], (tuple, list)):, "selection", selop, items)
def selection_set(self, *items):
"""The specified items becomes the new selection."""
self._selection("set", items)
def selection_add(self, *items):
"""Add all of the specified items to the selection."""
self._selection("add", items)
def selection_remove(self, *items):
"""Remove all of the specified items from the selection."""
self._selection("remove", items)
def selection_toggle(self, *items):
"""Toggle the selection state of each specified item."""
self._selection("toggle", items)
def set(self, item, column=None, value=None):
"""Query or set the value of given item.
With one argument, return a dictionary of column/value pairs
for the specified item. With two arguments, return the current
value of the specified column. With three arguments, set the
value of given column in given item to the specified value."""
res =, "set", item, column, value)
if column is None and value is None:
return _splitdict(, res,
cut_minus=False, conv=_tclobj_to_py)
def tag_bind(self, tagname, sequence=None, callback=None):
"""Bind a callback for the given event sequence to the tag tagname.
When an event is delivered to an item, the callbacks for each
of the item's tags option are called."""
self._bind((self._w, "tag", "bind", tagname), sequence, callback, add=0)
def tag_configure(self, tagname, option=None, **kw):
"""Query or modify the options for the specified tagname.
If kw is not given, returns a dict of the option settings for tagname.
If option is specified, returns the value for that option for the
specified tagname. Otherwise, sets the options to the corresponding
values for the given tagname."""
return _val_or_dict(, kw, self._w, "tag", "configure",
def tag_has(self, tagname, item=None):
"""If item is specified, returns 1 or 0 depending on whether the
specified item has the given tagname. Otherwise, returns a list of
all items which have the specified tag.
* Availability: Tk 8.6"""
return, "tag", "has", tagname))
return, "tag", "has", tagname, item))