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File: notes.txt
1. Choose MySQL for type of database.
[0] Fix | Delete
2. Do not remove sha256.inc.php file we use it for password encryption.
[1] Fix | Delete
3. In /config/connect.php file in manual installation it doesnt takes "_" for dbprefix and database has it.
[2] Fix | Delete
4. Check for _jobs 'date' entries. In 3.0.11 we have used regtime. before it was [[queue_watch_date]] etc.
[3] Fix | Delete
5. PHP REQUIREMENT LINK : https://www.spip.net/en_article6659.html
[4] Fix | Delete
6. Blank plugin entry "meta" table. It generates after login.
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7. In "meta" keep value of langue_site as [[language]], to keep frontend as well in the user selected language.
[6] Fix | Delete
8. Keep [[language]] in "auteurs" table.
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9. `backup_cles` entry generates post login.
[8] Fix | Delete
10. Kept sha256.inc.php file to add backup compatibility in edit.
[9] Fix | Delete
11. We have deleted all the folders(except config and IMG) in upgrade as keeping old files results in error when uploading a document in "Edit-->Document" section. Discussion is mentioned here. https://discuter.spip.net/t/error-uploading-documents-post-upgrade/162884/7
[10] Fix | Delete
12. Keep 'vendor' folder writable as well while manual installation, to avoid warning of 'inoperative .htaccess'.
[11] Fix | Delete
It is recommended that you Edit text format, this type of Fix handles quite a lot in one request