# $Release Version: 0.7 $
# by Keiju ISHITSUKA(keiju@ruby-lang.org)
require "thread" unless defined?(Mutex)
require "shell/command-processor"
require "shell/process-controller"
# Shell implements an idiomatic Ruby interface for common UNIX shell commands.
# It provides users the ability to execute commands with filters and pipes,
# like +sh+/+csh+ by using native facilities of Ruby.
# In this example we will create three +tmpFile+'s in three different folders
# under the +/tmp+ directory.
# sh = Shell.cd("/tmp") # Change to the /tmp directory
# sh.mkdir "shell-test-1" unless sh.exists?("shell-test-1")
# # make the 'shell-test-1' directory if it doesn't already exist
# sh.cd("shell-test-1") # Change to the /tmp/shell-test-1 directory
# for dir in ["dir1", "dir3", "dir5"]
# sh.mkdir dir # make dir if it doesn't already exist
# # change to the `dir` directory
# f = sh.open("tmpFile", "w") # open a new file in write mode
# f.print "TEST\n" # write to the file
# f.close # close the file handler
# print sh.pwd # output the process working directory
# === Temp file creation with self
# This example is identical to the first, except we're using
# CommandProcessor#transact.
# CommandProcessor#transact executes the given block against self, in this case
# +sh+; our Shell object. Within the block we can substitute +sh.cd+ to +cd+,
# because the scope within the block uses +sh+ already.
# mkdir "shell-test-1" unless exists?("shell-test-1")
# for dir in ["dir1", "dir3", "dir5"]
# f = open("tmpFile", "w")
# === Pipe /etc/printcap into a file
# In this example we will read the operating system file +/etc/printcap+,
# generated by +cupsd+, and then output it to a new file relative to the +pwd+
# sh.cat("/etc/printcap") | sh.tee("tee1") > "tee2"
# (sh.cat < "/etc/printcap") | sh.tee("tee11") > "tee12"
# sh.cat("/etc/printcap") | sh.tee("tee1") >> "tee2"
# (sh.cat < "/etc/printcap") | sh.tee("tee11") >> "tee12"
extend Exception2MessageMapper
# debug: true -> normal debug
# debug: 1 -> eval definition debug
# debug: 2 -> detail inspect debug
@debug_display_process_id = false
@debug_display_thread_id = true
@debug_output_mutex = Mutex.new
attr_accessor :cascade, :debug, :verbose
# Creates a new Shell instance with the current working directory
# Returns the directories in the current shell's PATH environment variable
# as an array of directory names. This sets the system_path for all
# Example: If in your current shell, you did:
# /usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin
# Running this method in the above shell would then return:
# ["/usr/bin", "/bin", "/usr/local/bin"]
# Sets the system_path that new instances of Shell should have as their
# +path+ should be an array of directory name strings.
def default_system_path=(path)
@default_system_path = path
def default_record_separator
if @default_record_separator
def default_record_separator=(rs)
@default_record_separator = rs
mutex_methods = ["unlock", "lock", "locked?", "synchronize", "try_lock", "exclusive_unlock"]
def_delegator("@debug_output_mutex", m, "debug_output_"+m.to_s)
# Shell.new(pwd, umask) -> obj
# Creates a Shell object which current directory is set to the process
# current directory, unless otherwise specified by the +pwd+ argument.
def initialize(pwd = Dir.pwd, umask = nil)
@cwd = File.expand_path(pwd)
@system_path = Shell.default_system_path
@record_separator = Shell.default_record_separator
@command_processor = CommandProcessor.new(self)
@process_controller = ProcessController.new(self)
# Returns the command search path in an array
# Sets the system path (the Shell instance's PATH environment variable).
# +path+ should be an array of directory name strings.
attr_accessor :record_separator
attr_accessor :verbose, :debug
attr_reader :command_processor
attr_reader :process_controller
File.expand_path(path, @cwd)
# Most Shell commands are defined via CommandProcessor
# Shell#cwd/dir/getwd/pwd
# Returns the current working directory.
# Creates a Shell object which current directory is set to +path+.
# If a block is given, it restores the current directory when the block ends.
# If called as iterator, it restores the current directory when the
def chdir(path = nil, verbose = @verbose)
notify("chdir(with block) #{path}") if verbose
notify("chdir #{path}") if verbose
notify "current dir: #{@cwd}"
# pushdir(path) { &block }
# Pushes the current directory to the directory stack, changing the current
# If +path+ is omitted, it exchanges its current directory and the top of its
# If a block is given, it restores the current directory when the block ends.
def pushdir(path = nil, verbose = @verbose)
notify("pushdir(with block) #{path}") if verbose
notify("pushdir #{path}") if verbose
notify "dir stack: [#{@dir_stack.join ', '}]"
notify("pushdir") if verbose
notify "dir stack: [#{@dir_stack.join ', '}]"
# Pops a directory from the directory stack, and sets the current directory
notify "dir stack: [#{@dir_stack.join ', '}]"
# Returns a list of scheduled jobs.
# Sends the given +signal+ to the given +job+
@process_controller.kill_job(sig, command)
# def_system_command(command, path = command)
# Convenience method for Shell::CommandProcessor.def_system_command.
# Defines an instance method which will execute the given shell command.
# If the executable is not in Shell.default_system_path, you must
# Shell.def_system_command('hostname')
# Shell.new.hostname # => localhost
# # How to use an executable that's not in the default path
# Shell.def_system_command('run_my_program', "~/hello")
# Shell.new.run_my_program # prints "Hello from a C program!"
def Shell.def_system_command(command, path = command)
CommandProcessor.def_system_command(command, path)
# Convenience method for Shell::CommandProcessor.undef_system_command
def Shell.undef_system_command(command)
# alias_command(alias, command, *opts, &block)
# Convenience method for Shell::CommandProcessor.alias_command.
# Defines an instance method which will execute a command under
# Shell.def_system_command('date')
# Shell.alias_command('date_in_utc', 'date', '-u')
# Shell.new.date_in_utc # => Sat Jan 25 16:59:57 UTC 2014
def Shell.alias_command(ali, command, *opts, &block)
CommandProcessor.alias_command(ali, command, *opts, &block)
# Convenience method for Shell::CommandProcessor.unalias_command
def Shell.unalias_command(ali)
# install_system_commands(pre = "sys_")
# Convenience method for Shell::CommandProcessor.install_system_commands.
# Defines instance methods representing all the executable files found in
# Shell.default_system_path, with the given prefix prepended to their
# Shell.install_system_commands
# Shell.new.sys_echo("hello") # => hello
def Shell.install_system_commands(pre = "sys_")
if debug.kind_of?(Integer) && debug > 2
Shell::debug_output_synchronize do
if opts[-1].kind_of?(String)
if @debug_display_thread_id
if @debug_display_process_id
prefix = "shell(##{Process.pid}:#{Thread.current.to_s.sub("Thread", "Th")}): "
prefix = "shell(#{Thread.current.to_s.sub("Thread", "Th")}): "
STDERR.print opts.collect{|mes|