"""Common fixperms classes"""
from stat import S_IMODE, S_ISREG, S_ISDIR, S_ISLNK
from fixperms_cli import Args
from fixperms_ids import IDCache
"""Base class for fixperms"""
docroot_chown: tuple[str, str],
self.skip = self.args.skip.copy()
self.all_docroots = all_docroots
self.hard_links = HardLinkTracker(self)
pwuser = self.ids.getpwnam(user)
doc_uid = ids.getpwnam(docroot_chown[0]).pw_uid
doc_gid = ids.getgrnam(docroot_chown[1]).gr_gid
self.docroot_perms = Rule('', (None, docroot_chmod), (doc_uid, doc_gid))
self.homedir = os.path.realpath(pwuser.pw_dir)
if not re.match(r'\/home\d*\/', self.homedir):
raise ValueError(f"{user}: unexpected homedir: {self.homedir!r}")
self.home_re = re.escape(pwuser.pw_dir)
self.perm_map: list['Rule'] = []
modes: tuple[Union[int, None], Union[int, None]],
"""Add a fixperms path rule. ^HOMEDIR is automatically added"""
# no actual ^ becasue we use .match, not .search
self.perm_map.append(Rule(f"{self.home_re}{regex}", modes, chown))
def lchown(self, path: str, stat: os.stat_result, uid: int, gid: int):
tgt_uid = stat.st_uid if uid == -1 else uid
tgt_gid = stat.st_gid if gid == -1 else gid
if (stat.st_uid, stat.st_gid) == (tgt_uid, tgt_gid):
os.lchown(path, uid, gid)
old_user = self.ids.uid_label(stat.st_uid)
old_group = self.ids.gid_label(stat.st_gid)
new_user = self.ids.uid_label(tgt_uid)
new_group = self.ids.gid_label(tgt_gid)
'Changed ownership of %s from %s:%s to %s:%s',
"""Runs os.chmod if the path is not a symlink"""
orig = S_IMODE(stat.st_mode)
if S_ISLNK(stat.st_mode):
return # Linux does not support follow_symlinks=False
'Changed mode of %s from %s to %s',
def walk(self, path: str, ignore_skips: bool = False):
"""os.walk/os.lstat to yield a path and all of its contents"""
for entry in self._walk(path, ignore_skips):
def _walk(self, top_dir: str, ignore_skips: bool = False):
if not ignore_skips and self.should_skip(top_dir):
if not os.path.isdir(top_dir):
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(top_dir):
for filename in filenames:
path = os.path.join(dirpath, filename)
if ignore_skips or not self.should_skip(path):
path = os.path.join(dirpath, dirname)
if not ignore_skips and self.should_skip(path):
# editing dirnames[:] in-place causes os.walk to not traverse it
dirnames[:] = [x for x in dirnames if x not in skip_dirs]
"""To be called from fixperms_main.py - processes this user"""
def fixperms(self) -> None:
"""Iterate over a user's files and chown/chmod as needed"""
for stat, path in self.walk(self.homedir):
self.check_path(stat, path)
def with_exec_bits(self, stat: os.stat_result, new_mode: Union[None, int]):
"""Get a new file mode including old mode's exec bits"""
if self.args.preserve_exec:
exec_bits = stat.st_mode & 0o111
return new_mode | exec_bits
def check_path(self, stat: os.stat_result, path: str):
"""Chown and chmod files as necessary"""
rule = self.find_rule(str(path))
file_mode, dir_mode = rule.modes
if S_ISREG(stat.st_mode): # path is a regular file
new_mode = self.with_exec_bits(stat, file_mode)
self.hard_links.add(path, stat, rule.chown, new_mode)
elif S_ISDIR(stat.st_mode): # path is a directory
elif S_ISLNK(stat.st_mode): # path is a symlink
else: # path is socket/device/fifo/etc
self.log.warning("Skipping unexpected path type at %s", path)
self.lchmod(path, stat, new_mode)
self.lchown(path, stat, *rule.chown)
def find_rule(self, path: str) -> 'Rule':
"""Find the matching ``Rule`` for a given path"""
assert isinstance(path, str)
if path in self.all_docroots:
return self.docroot_perms
for rule in self.perm_map:
if rule.regex.match(path):
raise ValueError(f"No matching rule for {path}")
def should_skip(self, path: str):
"""Determine if a path should be skipped based on --skip args"""
if Path(path).is_relative_to(skip):
"""Tracks and handles hard links discovered while walking through a
def __init__(self, perm_map: PermMap):
self.chowns: dict[int, tuple[int, int]] = {}
self.stats: dict[int, os.stat_result] = {}
self.modes: dict[int, int] = {}
self.paths: dict[int, list[str]] = {}
"""Used to add a hard link found during the fixperms run which might
be unsafe to operate on"""
self.stats[inum] = stat # will be the same for all ends of the link
self.paths[inum] = [path]
prev_uid, prev_gid = self.chowns[inum]
self.chowns[inum] = [uid, gid]
self.chowns[inum] = chown
"""If self.hard_links was populated with any items, handle any that are
safe, or log any that are not"""
for inum, stat in self.stats.items():
# for each distinct inode found with hard links...
if stat.st_nlink == len(self.paths[inum]):
# If we came across every end of the link in this run, then it's
# safe to operate on. Chmod the first instance of it; the rest
path = self.paths[inum][0]
self.perm_map.lchown(path, stat, *self.chowns[inum])
self.perm_map.lchmod(path, stat, self.modes.get(inum, None))
# Otherwise these hard links can't be trusted.
for path in self.paths[inum]:
'%s is hardlinked and not owned by the user',
modes: tuple[Union[int, None], Union[int, None]],
regex (str): regular expression
file tuple[(int | None), (int | None)]: (file, dir) modes if matched
chown tuple[int, int]: if a matching file/dir is found, chown to
this UID/GID. Use -1 to make no change.
self.regex = re.compile(regex)
assert isinstance(modes, tuple)
assert isinstance(chown, tuple)