# Kdump common variables and functions
# Check if firmware-assisted dump is enabled
# if no, fallback to kdump check
if [ -f $FADUMP_ENABLED_SYS_NODE ]; then
[ $rc -eq 1 ] && return 0
for kmodule in squashfs overlay loop; do
if [ -z "$KDUMP_KERNELVER" ]; then
modprobe --dry-run $kmodule &>/dev/null || return 1
modprobe -S $KDUMP_KERNELVER --dry-run $kmodule &>/dev/null || return 1
grep -q "^ssh[[:blank:]].*@" /etc/kdump.conf
grep -q "^nfs" /etc/kdump.conf || \
[[ $(get_dracut_args_fstype "$(grep "^dracut_args .*\-\-mount" /etc/kdump.conf)") = nfs* ]]
grep -q "^raw" /etc/kdump.conf
[ $_fstype = "nfs" ] || [ $_fstype = "nfs4" ] && return 0
egrep -q "^ext[234]|^xfs|^btrfs|^minix" /etc/kdump.conf
_lvm2_thin_device=$(lvm lvs -S 'lv_layout=sparse && lv_layout=thin' \
--nosuffix --noheadings -o vg_name,lv_name "$_device_path" 2> /dev/null)
[ -n "$_lvm2_thin_device" ]
echo $@ | sed -e 's/\(.*\)#.*/\1/'
# Read from kdump config file stripping all comments
# strip heading spaces, and print any content starting with
# neither space or #, and strip everything after #
sed -n -e "s/^\s*\([^# \t][^#]\+\).*/\1/gp" $1
# Check if fence kdump is configured in Pacemaker cluster
# no pcs or fence_kdump_send executables installed?
type -P pcs > /dev/null || return 1
[ -x $FENCE_KDUMP_SEND ] || return 1
# fence kdump not configured?
(pcs cluster cib | grep 'type="fence_kdump"') &> /dev/null || return 1
# Check if fence_kdump is configured using kdump options
[ -x $FENCE_KDUMP_SEND ] || return 1
grep -q "^fence_kdump_nodes" /etc/kdump.conf
dev=`blkid -U "${dev#UUID=}"`
dev=`blkid -L "${dev#LABEL=}"`
return $(is_mount_in_dracut_args || is_ssh_dump_target || is_nfs_dump_target || \
is_raw_dump_target || is_fs_dump_target)
_target=$(egrep "^ext[234]|^xfs|^btrfs|^minix|^raw" /etc/kdump.conf 2>/dev/null |awk '{print $2}')
[ -n "$_target" ] && echo $_target && return
_target=$(get_dracut_args_target "$(grep "^dracut_args .*\-\-mount" /etc/kdump.conf)")
[ -b "$_target" ] && echo $_target
findmnt -k -f -n -o SOURCE /
local _save_path=$(awk '$1 == "path" {print $2}' /etc/kdump.conf)
[ -z "$_save_path" ] && _save_path=$DEFAULT_PATH
# strip the duplicated "/"
echo $_save_path | tr -s /
if is_ssh_dump_target || is_nfs_dump_target; then
[ -n "$_target" ] && echo $(to_dev_name $_target) && return
# Get block device name from local save path
_target=$(get_target_from_path $_path)
[ -b "$_target" ] && echo $(to_dev_name $_target)
grep -E "^(failure_action|default)[[:space:]]dump_to_rootfs" /etc/kdump.conf >/dev/null
[ -n "$_target" ] && is_lvm2_thinp_device "$_target"
if is_dump_to_rootfs; then
[ -b "$_target" ] && echo $(to_dev_name $_target) && return
# Get kdump targets(including root in case of dump_to_rootfs).
if [ -n "$_target" ]; then
elif is_ssh_dump_target; then
# Add the root device if dump_to_rootfs is specified.
if [ -n "$_root" -a "$kdump_targets" != "$_root" ]; then
kdump_targets="$kdump_targets $_root"
# Return the bind mount source path, return the path itself if it's not bind mounted
# Eg. if /path/to/src is bind mounted to /mnt/bind, then:
# /mnt/bind -> /path/to/src, /mnt/bind/dump -> /path/to/src/dump
# findmnt uses the option "-v, --nofsroot" to exclusive the [/dir]
# in the SOURCE column for bind-mounts, then if $_mntpoint equals to
# $_mntpoint_nofsroot, the mountpoint is not bind mounted directory.
# Below is just an example for mount info
# /dev/mapper/atomicos-root[/ostree/deploy/rhel-atomic-host/var], if the
# directory is bind mounted. The former part represents the device path, rest
# part is the bind mounted directory which quotes by bracket "[]".
# In case it's a sub path in a mount point, get the mount point first
local _mnt_top=$(df $_path | tail -1 | awk '{print $NF}')
local _mntpoint=$(findmnt $_mnt_top | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $2}')
local _mntpoint_nofsroot=$(findmnt -v $_mnt_top | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $2}')
if [[ "$_mntpoint" = $_mntpoint_nofsroot ]]; then
# Return the current underlaying device of a path, ignore bind mounts
_target=$(df $1 2>/dev/null | tail -1 | awk '{print $1}')
[[ "$_target" == "/dev/root" ]] && [[ ! -e /dev/root ]] && _target=$(get_root_fs_device)
findmnt -k -n $1 &>/dev/null
local _info_type=$1 _src_type=$2 _src=$3; shift 3
local _info=$(findmnt -k -n -r -o $_info_type --$_src_type $_src $@)
[ -z "$_info" ] && [ -e "/etc/fstab" ] && _info=$(findmnt -s -n -r -o $_info_type --$_src_type $_src $@)
get_mount_info FSTYPE source $1 -f
get_mount_info OPTIONS source $1 -f
# Find the general mount point of a dump target, not the bind mount point
# Expcilitly specify --source to findmnt could ensure non-bind mount is returned
get_mount_info TARGET source $1 -f
# Get the path where the target will be mounted in kdump kernel
# $1: kdump target device
local _mntpoint=$(get_mntpoint_from_target $1)
# mount under /sysroot if dump to root disk or mount under
# mount under /kdumproot if dump target is not mounted in first kernel
# mount under /kdumproot/$_mntpoint in other cases in 2nd kernel.
# systemd will be in charge to umount it.
if [ -z "$_mntpoint" ];then
if [ "$_mntpoint" = "/" ];then
echo $_mntpoint | tr -s "/"
# get_option_value <option_name>
# retrieves value of option defined in kdump.conf
strip_comments `grep "^$1[[:space:]]\+" /etc/kdump.conf | tail -1 | cut -d\ -f2-`
kdump_get_persistent_dev() {
dev=`blkid -U "${dev#UUID=}"`
dev=`blkid -L "${dev#LABEL=}"`
echo $(get_persistent_dev "$dev")
test -f /run/ostree-booted
# fixme, try the best to decide whether the ipv6 addr is allocated by slaac or dhcp6
local _auto=$(cat /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/$_netdev/autoconf)
if [ $_auto -eq 1 ]; then
# get ip address or hostname from nfs/ssh config value
# ipv6 address in kdump.conf is around with "[]",
# factor out the ipv6 address
local _hostname=`echo $1 | grep ":"`
if [ -n "$_hostname" ]; then
echo $1 | grep -q "[a-zA-Z]"
# Copied from "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/network-functions"
if [ -f "/sys/class/net/${1}/address" ]; then
awk '{ print toupper($0) }' < /sys/class/net/${1}/address
elif [ -d "/sys/class/net/${1}" ]; then
LC_ALL= LANG= ip -o link show ${1} 2>/dev/null | \
awk '{ print toupper(gensub(/.*link\/[^ ]* ([[:alnum:]:]*).*/,
grep -E -i -l "^[[:space:]]*DEVICE=\"*${1}\"*[[:space:]]*$" \
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-* 2>/dev/null | head -1
grep -E -i -l "^[[:space:]]*HWADDR=\"*${1}\"*[[:space:]]*$" \
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-* 2>/dev/null | head -1
grep -E -i -l "^[[:space:]]*UUID=\"*${1}\"*[[:space:]]*$" \
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-* 2>/dev/null | head -1
grep -E -i -l "^[[:space:]]*NAME=\"*${1}\"*[[:space:]]*$" \
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-* 2>/dev/null | head -1
[ "$(LANG=C nmcli -t --fields running general status 2>/dev/null)" = "running" ]
LANG=C nmcli -t --fields device,state dev status 2>/dev/null \
| grep -q "^\(${1}:connected\)\|\(${1}:connecting.*\)$"
# Get the active nmcli config name of $1
if is_nm_running && is_nm_handling "${1}" ; then
# The configuration "uuid" and "name" generated by nm is wrote to
# the ifcfg file as "UUID=<nm_uuid>" and "NAME=<nm_name>".
nm_uuid=$(LANG=C nmcli -t --fields uuid,device c show --active 2>/dev/null \
| grep "${1}" | head -1 | cut -d':' -f1)
nm_name=$(LANG=C nmcli -t --fields name,device c show --active 2>/dev/null \
| grep "${1}" | head -1 | cut -d':' -f1)
ifcfg_file=$(get_ifcfg_by_uuid "${nm_uuid}")
[ -z "${ifcfg_file}" ] && ifcfg_file=$(get_ifcfg_by_name "${nm_name}")
[ -f "${ifcfg_file}" ] && echo -n "${ifcfg_file}" && return
ifcfg_file=$(get_ifcfg_by_name "${1}")
[ -f "${ifcfg_file}" ] && echo -n "${ifcfg_file}" && return
local hwaddr=$(get_hwaddr "${1}")
if [ -n "$hwaddr" ]; then
ifcfg_file=$(get_ifcfg_by_hwaddr "${hwaddr}")
[ -f "${ifcfg_file}" ] && echo -n "${ifcfg_file}" && return
ifcfg_file=$(get_ifcfg_by_device "${1}")
# Return the ifcfg file whole name(including the path) of $1 if any.
ifcfg_file=$(get_ifcfg_nmcli "${1}")
if [ -z "${ifcfg_file}" ]; then
ifcfg_file=$(get_ifcfg_legacy "${1}")
# returns 0 when omission of a module is desired in dracut_args
is_dracut_mod_omitted() {
local dracut_args dracut_mod=$1
set -- $(grep "^dracut_args" /etc/kdump.conf)
[[ " ${2//[^[:alnum:]]/ } " == *" $dracut_mod "* ]] && return 0