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File: update_pass.php
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$resp = __encrypt_password('[[admin_pass]]', '[[salt]]', '$2a$' . '12' . '$', '[[passwordsaltmain]]');
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echo '<update_pass>'.$resp.'</update_pass>';
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function __encrypt_password($password, $salt='', $alg='$6$', $sitesalt='') {
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if ($salt == '') {
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$salt = substr(md5(rand(1000000, 9999999)), 2, 8);
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if ($alg == '$6$') { // $6$ is the identifier for the SHA512 algorithm
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// Return a hash which is sha512(originalHash, salt), where original is sha1(salt + password)
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$password = sha1($salt . $password);
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// Generate a salt based on a supplied salt and the passwordsaltmain
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$fullsalt = substr(md5($sitesalt . $salt), 0, 16); // SHA512 expects 16 chars of salt
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else { // This is most likely bcrypt $2a$, but any other algorithm can take up to 22 chars of salt
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// Generate a salt based on a supplied salt and the passwordsaltmain
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$fullsalt = substr(md5($sitesalt . $salt), 0, 22); // bcrypt expects 22 chars of salt
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$hash = crypt($password, $alg . $fullsalt);
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// Strip out the computed salt
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// We strip out the salt hide the computed salt (in case the sitesalt was used which isn't in the database)
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$hash = substr($hash, 0, strlen($alg)) . substr($hash, strlen($alg)+strlen($fullsalt));
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return $hash;
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