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File: notes.txt
1. Set the debug to false in .env
[0] Fix | Delete
2. Do not use same upgrade method when there is change in database. Ask vendor for upgrade utility.(from version 1.5.1 vendor provides script's upgrade utility)
[1] Fix | Delete
3. We have changed the password function so please check login before launching the next version
[2] Fix | Delete
4. Set the APP_ENV to production in .env
[3] Fix | Delete
5. /public should be there in APP_URL in .env
[4] Fix | Delete
6. Do not edit compiled.php for \r \n because dreamviewer is unable to edit the file properly
[5] Fix | Delete
7. Add the following line to the .htaccess file in the root folder :
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<IfModule mod_alias.c>
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RedirectMatch 301 ^[[relativeurl]]/$ [[softurl]]/public
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8. PHP REQUIREMENT LINK : https://docs.invoiceninja.com/install.html (Vendor has asked us to keep PHP requirement 7.1 and he will update requirement on his website) and also check /vendor/composer/platform_check.php/ (also check extension list from this file in every version i.e $missingExtensions array and add to our info.xml, if any extension from the array is not present in our info.xml)
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9. Release date : https://github.com/invoiceninja/invoiceninja/releases
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10. We exclude logo image path while upgrade i.e public/images/invoiceninja-logo.png since user's custom logo was getting overwritten post upgrade.
[12] Fix | Delete
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