_currentRules: function _currentRules() {
return this.conditions[this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length - 1]].rules;
topState: function topState() {
return this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length - 2];
pushState: function begin(condition) {
lexer.performAction = function anonymous(yy, yy_, $avoiding_name_collisions, YY_START) {
function strip(start, end) {
return yy_.yytext = yy_.yytext.substring(start, yy_.yyleng - end + start);
switch ($avoiding_name_collisions) {
if (yy_.yytext.slice(-2) === "\\\\") {
} else if (yy_.yytext.slice(-1) === "\\") {
if (yy_.yytext) return 15;
this.begin('raw');return 15;
// Should be using `this.topState()` below, but it currently
// returns the second top instead of the first top. Opened an
// issue about it at https://github.com/zaach/jison/issues/291
if (this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length - 1] === 'raw') {
this.popState();return 44;
this.popState();return 44;
this.popState();return 54;
this.popState();return 33;
yy_.yytext = strip(1, 2).replace(/\\"/g, '"');return 80;
yy_.yytext = strip(1, 2).replace(/\\'/g, "'");return 80;
yy_.yytext = yy_.yytext.replace(/\\([\\\]])/g, '$1');return 72;
lexer.rules = [/^(?:[^\x00]*?(?=(\{\{)))/, /^(?:[^\x00]+)/, /^(?:[^\x00]{2,}?(?=(\{\{|\\\{\{|\\\\\{\{|$)))/, /^(?:\{\{\{\{(?=[^\/]))/, /^(?:\{\{\{\{\/[^\s!"#%-,\.\/;->@\[-\^`\{-~]+(?=[=}\s\/.])\}\}\}\})/, /^(?:[^\x00]+?(?=(\{\{\{\{)))/, /^(?:[\s\S]*?--(~)?\}\})/, /^(?:\()/, /^(?:\))/, /^(?:\{\{\{\{)/, /^(?:\}\}\}\})/, /^(?:\{\{(~)?>)/, /^(?:\{\{(~)?#>)/, /^(?:\{\{(~)?#\*?)/, /^(?:\{\{(~)?\/)/, /^(?:\{\{(~)?\^\s*(~)?\}\})/, /^(?:\{\{(~)?\s*else\s*(~)?\}\})/, /^(?:\{\{(~)?\^)/, /^(?:\{\{(~)?\s*else\b)/, /^(?:\{\{(~)?\{)/, /^(?:\{\{(~)?&)/, /^(?:\{\{(~)?!--)/, /^(?:\{\{(~)?![\s\S]*?\}\})/, /^(?:\{\{(~)?\*?)/, /^(?:=)/, /^(?:\.\.)/, /^(?:\.(?=([=~}\s\/.)|])))/, /^(?:[\/.])/, /^(?:\s+)/, /^(?:\}(~)?\}\})/, /^(?:(~)?\}\})/, /^(?:"(\\["]|[^"])*")/, /^(?:'(\\[']|[^'])*')/, /^(?:@)/, /^(?:true(?=([~}\s)])))/, /^(?:false(?=([~}\s)])))/, /^(?:undefined(?=([~}\s)])))/, /^(?:null(?=([~}\s)])))/, /^(?:-?[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?(?=([~}\s)])))/, /^(?:as\s+\|)/, /^(?:\|)/, /^(?:([^\s!"#%-,\.\/;->@\[-\^`\{-~]+(?=([=~}\s\/.)|]))))/, /^(?:\[(\\\]|[^\]])*\])/, /^(?:.)/, /^(?:$)/];
lexer.conditions = { "mu": { "rules": [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44], "inclusive": false }, "emu": { "rules": [2], "inclusive": false }, "com": { "rules": [6], "inclusive": false }, "raw": { "rules": [3, 4, 5], "inclusive": false }, "INITIAL": { "rules": [0, 1, 44], "inclusive": true } };
}Parser.prototype = parser;parser.Parser = Parser;
})();exports["default"] = handlebars;
module.exports = exports["default"];
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var _interopRequireDefault = __webpack_require__(1)['default'];
exports.__esModule = true;
var _visitor = __webpack_require__(49);
var _visitor2 = _interopRequireDefault(_visitor);
function WhitespaceControl() {
var options = arguments.length <= 0 || arguments[0] === undefined ? {} : arguments[0];
WhitespaceControl.prototype = new _visitor2['default']();
WhitespaceControl.prototype.Program = function (program) {
var doStandalone = !this.options.ignoreStandalone;
var isRoot = !this.isRootSeen;
for (var i = 0, l = body.length; i < l; i++) {
strip = this.accept(current);
var _isPrevWhitespace = isPrevWhitespace(body, i, isRoot),
_isNextWhitespace = isNextWhitespace(body, i, isRoot),
openStandalone = strip.openStandalone && _isPrevWhitespace,
closeStandalone = strip.closeStandalone && _isNextWhitespace,
inlineStandalone = strip.inlineStandalone && _isPrevWhitespace && _isNextWhitespace;
omitRight(body, i, true);
if (doStandalone && inlineStandalone) {
// If we are on a standalone node, save the indent info for partials
if (current.type === 'PartialStatement') {
// Pull out the whitespace from the final line
current.indent = /([ \t]+$)/.exec(body[i - 1].original)[1];
if (doStandalone && openStandalone) {
omitRight((current.program || current.inverse).body);
// Strip out the previous content node if it's whitespace only
if (doStandalone && closeStandalone) {
// Always strip the next node
omitLeft((current.inverse || current.program).body);
WhitespaceControl.prototype.BlockStatement = WhitespaceControl.prototype.DecoratorBlock = WhitespaceControl.prototype.PartialBlockStatement = function (block) {
// Find the inverse program that is involed with whitespace stripping.
var program = block.program || block.inverse,
inverse = block.program && block.inverse,
if (inverse && inverse.chained) {
firstInverse = inverse.body[0].program;
// Walk the inverse chain to find the last inverse that is actually in the chain.
while (lastInverse.chained) {
lastInverse = lastInverse.body[lastInverse.body.length - 1].program;
open: block.openStrip.open,
close: block.closeStrip.close,
// Determine the standalone candiacy. Basically flag our content as being possibly standalone
// so our parent can determine if we actually are standalone
openStandalone: isNextWhitespace(program.body),
closeStandalone: isPrevWhitespace((firstInverse || program).body)
if (block.openStrip.close) {
omitRight(program.body, null, true);
var inverseStrip = block.inverseStrip;
omitLeft(program.body, null, true);
if (inverseStrip.close) {
omitRight(firstInverse.body, null, true);
if (block.closeStrip.open) {
omitLeft(lastInverse.body, null, true);
// Find standalone else statments
if (!this.options.ignoreStandalone && isPrevWhitespace(program.body) && isNextWhitespace(firstInverse.body)) {
} else if (block.closeStrip.open) {
omitLeft(program.body, null, true);
WhitespaceControl.prototype.Decorator = WhitespaceControl.prototype.MustacheStatement = function (mustache) {
WhitespaceControl.prototype.PartialStatement = WhitespaceControl.prototype.CommentStatement = function (node) {
/* istanbul ignore next */
var strip = node.strip || {};
function isPrevWhitespace(body, i, isRoot) {
// Nodes that end with newlines are considered whitespace (but are special
// cased for strip operations)
if (prev.type === 'ContentStatement') {
return (sibling || !isRoot ? /\r?\n\s*?$/ : /(^|\r?\n)\s*?$/).test(prev.original);
function isNextWhitespace(body, i, isRoot) {
if (next.type === 'ContentStatement') {
return (sibling || !isRoot ? /^\s*?\r?\n/ : /^\s*?(\r?\n|$)/).test(next.original);
// Marks the node to the right of the position as omitted.
// I.e. {{foo}}' ' will mark the ' ' node as omitted.
// If i is undefined, then the first child will be marked as such.
// If mulitple is truthy then all whitespace will be stripped out until non-whitespace
function omitRight(body, i, multiple) {
var current = body[i == null ? 0 : i + 1];
if (!current || current.type !== 'ContentStatement' || !multiple && current.rightStripped) {
var original = current.value;
current.value = current.value.replace(multiple ? /^\s+/ : /^[ \t]*\r?\n?/, '');
current.rightStripped = current.value !== original;
// Marks the node to the left of the position as omitted.
// I.e. ' '{{foo}} will mark the ' ' node as omitted.
// If i is undefined then the last child will be marked as such.
// If mulitple is truthy then all whitespace will be stripped out until non-whitespace
function omitLeft(body, i, multiple) {
var current = body[i == null ? body.length - 1 : i - 1];
if (!current || current.type !== 'ContentStatement' || !multiple && current.leftStripped) {
// We omit the last node if it's whitespace only and not preceded by a non-content node.
var original = current.value;
current.value = current.value.replace(multiple ? /\s+$/ : /[ \t]+$/, '');
current.leftStripped = current.value !== original;
return current.leftStripped;
exports['default'] = WhitespaceControl;
module.exports = exports['default'];
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var _interopRequireDefault = __webpack_require__(1)['default'];
exports.__esModule = true;
var _exception = __webpack_require__(6);
var _exception2 = _interopRequireDefault(_exception);
// Visits a given value. If mutating, will replace the value if necessary.
acceptKey: function acceptKey(node, name) {
var value = this.accept(node[name]);
// Hacky sanity check: This may have a few false positives for type for the helper
// methods but will generally do the right thing without a lot of overhead.
if (value && !Visitor.prototype[value.type]) {
throw new _exception2['default']('Unexpected node type "' + value.type + '" found when accepting ' + name + ' on ' + node.type);
// Performs an accept operation with added sanity check to ensure
// required keys are not removed.
acceptRequired: function acceptRequired(node, name) {
this.acceptKey(node, name);
throw new _exception2['default'](node.type + ' requires ' + name);
// Traverses a given array. If mutating, empty respnses will be removed
acceptArray: function acceptArray(array) {
for (var i = 0, l = array.length; i < l; i++) {
this.acceptKey(array, i);
accept: function accept(object) {
/* istanbul ignore next: Sanity code */
if (!this[object.type]) {
throw new _exception2['default']('Unknown type: ' + object.type, object);
var ret = this[object.type](object);
this.current = this.parents.shift();