* includes/builder/module/Slider.php
* includes/builder/module/SliderItem.php
* includes/builder/module/Tabs.php
* includes/builder/module/TabsItem.php
* includes/builder/module/Testimonial.php
* includes/builder/module/Toggle.php
* includes/builder/module/VideoSlider.php
* includes/builder/module/field/Border.php
* includes/builder/module/field/BoxShadow.php
* includes/builder/module/field/Divider.php
* includes/builder/module/field/TextShadow.php
* includes/builder/module/settings/migration/OptionsHarmony.php
* includes/builder/plugin-compat/advanced-custom-fields-pro.php
* includes/builder/plugin-compat/advanced-custom-fields.php
* includes/builder/plugin-compat/autoptimize.php
* includes/builder/plugin-compat/wp-smushit.php
* includes/builder/scripts/bfb_admin_script.js
* includes/builder/scripts/builder.js
* includes/builder/scripts/ext/media-library.js
* includes/builder/scripts/frontend-builder-global-functions.js
* includes/builder/scripts/frontend-builder-scripts.js
* includes/builder/scripts/page-settings-metabox.js
* includes/builder/styles/bb_bfb_common.css
* includes/builder/styles/frontend-builder-global-style.css
* includes/builder/styles/notification_popup_styles.css
* includes/builder/styles/roles_style.css
* includes/builder/styles/style.css
* js/admin_post_settings.js
version 3.17.6 ( updated 11-02-2018 )
- Fixed JavaScript error when trying to edit non-existing Global Module in BB.
- Fixed a issue where module styles cannot be pasted.
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/bundle.js
* includes/builder/scripts/builder.js
version 3.17.5 ( updated 11-02-2018 )
- Fixed JavaScript error when trying to edit non-existing Global Module in BB.
- Fixed a issue where module styles cannot be pasted.
- Prevent Custom CSS code from being removed when hover options is used.
- Fixed modules with hover styles applied not getting proper z-index in VB preview.
- Fixed bar counter item titles inadvertently displaying html tags.
- Fixed a bug in Email Optin module where Redirect URL had Question Mark at end of the URL.
- Fixed a issue where Contact Form module incorrectly set Reply-To email header when no Email field has been set for the module.
- Fixed Backend Builder not being able to import premade layouts.
- Removed HTML escaping recently added to Filterable Portfolio module post titles.
- Fixes a PHP warning when importing layouts.
- Fixed some aspects of modules being editable even if the relevant capability has been disabled in the Role Editor.
- Fixed CSS for VB Wireframe View when Vertical Navigation is enabled.
- Removed Design and Advanced settings for Pin Settings of Map module.
- Improved timer separator display in Countdown Timer modules.
- Fixed issue affecting border field's generated styles.
- Added label for reset button in Page Settings.
- Fixed issue where modules with partial support were not visible in VB.
- Fixed a bug where Site Header gets hidden when Vertical Navigation is enabled.
- Fixed a JavaScript error for CSS ID on Tabs module when Alternative scroll-to-anchor method is enabled.
* includes/builder/class-et-builder-settings.php
* includes/builder/core.php
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/bundle.js
* includes/builder/functions.php
* includes/builder/module/BarCountersItem.php
* includes/builder/module/ContactForm.php
* includes/builder/module/CountdownTimer.php
* includes/builder/module/FilterablePortfolio.php
* includes/builder/module/MapItem.php
* includes/builder/module/field/Border.php
* includes/builder/module/settings/migration/DiscontinueHtmlEncoding.php
* includes/builder/scripts/builder.js
* includes/builder/scripts/frontend-builder-scripts.js
* includes/builder/styles/frontend-builder-style.less
version 3.17.4 ( updated 10-31-2018 )
- Fixed the internal server error that occurred when the Yoast SEO plugin was activated.
- Fixed paragraphs encoding issue when multiple Code Module were added in the same page.
- Fixed a PHP Warning caused by the Post Slider Module.
- Fixed broken shortcode rendering on code and fullwidth module caused by late line break stripping.
* includes/builder/functions.php
* includes/builder/core.php
* includes/builder/class-et-builder-element.php
* includes/builder/module/PostSlider.php
* includes/builder/module/Code.php
* includes/builder/module/FullwidthCode.php
version 3.17.3 ( updated 10-30-2018 )
- Important Security Update. Following an internal code audit, various security improvements were made and several minor security vulnerabilities were patched. For more information, please refer to the disclosure here: https://us7.campaign-archive.com/?u=9ae7aa91c578052b052b864d6&id=a9763c15f2
- Fixed Right-click controls missing in empty fullwidth sections.
- Added missing extend options to border styles and background tabs.
- Fixed languages using quote characters different from the ones in English causing Dynamic Content to not render properly in the front-end.
version 3.17.2 ( updated 10-17-2018 )
- Fixed issue with rendering dynamic content in Global Modules in some cases.
- Fixed the issue where Button Text option can't be copied between Button modules.
- Fixed VB select control to only fire onChange event when necessary.
- Fixed output of inner box shadow in VB.
- Fixed Blurb module title link not being applied to the title.
- Fixed HTML being incorrectly filtered in Dynamic Content's Before and After settings.
- Fixed Autoptimize incompatibility with the Visual Builder, causing the rich text control to crash.
- Fixed JS error which breaks some modules in BB while checking for dynamic content.
- Fixed Bar Counter amount not changing on hover for small % amounts.
* includes/builder/class-et-builder-element.php
* includes/builder/feature/dynamic-content.php
* includes/builder/framework.php
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/bundle.js
* includes/builder/module/BarCountersItem.php
* includes/builder/module/Blurb.php
* includes/builder/module/Image.php
* includes/builder/scripts/builder.js
* includes/builder/scripts/frontend-builder-global-functions.js
* includes/builder/styles/frontend-builder-style.less
version 3.17.1 ( updated 10-12-2018 )
- Fixed error occurring in Team Member module.
- Fixed circle counter not showing up in the front end when there was an animation set for it.
- Fixed the Divider height value being picked from Desktop height, when the tablet or/and phone values are set to the default 100px.
- Fixed Dynamic Content background image preview in Extend Styles.
- Fixed support for PHP 5.2 and 5.3 in Dynamic Content.
- Fixed responsive tabs for row column padding settings not showing up in BB.
- Fixed Social Media Follow module link text duplication when read through assistive technologies.
- Added i18n support for visual builder toggle buttons.
* core/ui/components/controls/toggle/toggle.jsx
* core/ui/components/controls/toggle/toggle.scss
* includes/builder/class-et-builder-element.php
* includes/builder/feature/dynamic-content.php
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/bundle.js
* includes/builder/module/Blurb.php
* includes/builder/module/Button.php
* includes/builder/module/Cta.php
* includes/builder/module/FullwidthHeader.php
* includes/builder/module/PricingTablesItem.php
* includes/builder/module/SliderItem.php
* includes/builder/module/SocialMediaFollowItem.php
* includes/builder/module/Testimonial.php
* includes/builder/scripts/frontend-builder-scripts.js
version 3.17 ( updated 10-11-2018 )
- Added Dynamic Content to Divi.
- Fixed Style Type, Position and Indent Option for Lists (OL/UL) in Text module for Post.
- Removed certain instances of hover icon that should not be present.
- Fixed a bug where Shop modules failed to display products sorted by price or date (ascending).
- Prevent adding max-width: 100% to modules when the sizing is not changed.
- Fixed incorrect history state for bulk editing hover options.
- Fixed alignment issue in Firefox for the first field in Email Optin module.
- Fixed the bug where Play Icon color option in VIdeo module were not working only in Visual Builder for a Post.
- Fixed Custom CSS removing CSS when hover is enabled.
- Fixed testimonial portrait margin on 1/5 and 1/6 columns.
- Fixed CSS for Grid columns For Smartphone.
- Fixed specialty column styles for 1/6 columns inside a 1/2 column.
- Fixed the issue where Favicon from old Theme Option setting were printed on page, even if Site Icon has been uploaded from WordPress Customizer.
- Fixed post_max_size megabytes conversion.
- Fixed a issue where Your Save Has Failed Modal Hides Wordfence's Blocked Request Notification.
* core/admin/css/core.css
* core/components/Portability.php
* epanel/custom_functions.php
* includes/builder/class-et-builder-element.php
* includes/builder/class-et-builder-value.php
* includes/builder/core.php
* includes/builder/feature/dynamic-content.php
* includes/builder/feature/post-content.php
* includes/builder/framework.php
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/assets/css/responsive-preview-wrapped.css
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/assets/css/responsive-preview.css
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/bundle.js
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/helpers.php
* includes/builder/functions.php
* includes/builder/module/AccordionItem.php
* includes/builder/module/Audio.php
* includes/builder/module/BarCountersItem.php
* includes/builder/module/Blog.php
* includes/builder/module/Blurb.php
* includes/builder/module/Button.php
* includes/builder/module/CircleCounter.php
* includes/builder/module/ContactForm.php
* includes/builder/module/CountdownTimer.php
* includes/builder/module/Cta.php
* includes/builder/module/FullwidthHeader.php
* includes/builder/module/FullwidthImage.php
* includes/builder/module/FullwidthPortfolio.php
* includes/builder/module/FullwidthPostSlider.php
* includes/builder/module/Image.php
* includes/builder/module/Login.php
* includes/builder/module/MapItem.php
* includes/builder/module/NumberCounter.php
* includes/builder/module/PostSlider.php
* includes/builder/module/PricingTablesItem.php
* includes/builder/module/Search.php
* includes/builder/module/Shop.php
* includes/builder/module/Signup.php
* includes/builder/module/SliderItem.php
* includes/builder/module/SocialMediaFollowItem.php
* includes/builder/module/TabsItem.php
* includes/builder/module/TeamMember.php
* includes/builder/module/Testimonial.php
* includes/builder/module/Text.php
* includes/builder/module/Toggle.php
* includes/builder/module/Video.php
* includes/builder/module/VideoSliderItem.php
* includes/builder/module/type/PostBased.php
* includes/builder/plugin-compat/advanced-custom-fields.php
* includes/builder/plugin-compat/woocommerce.php
* includes/builder/scripts/builder.js
* includes/builder/scripts/frontend-builder-scripts.js
* includes/builder/styles/frontend-builder-global-style.css
* includes/builder/styles/style.css
* includes/builder/template-preview.php
version 3.16.1 ( updated 10-05-2018 )
- Fixed Responsive Tabs, Hover Tabs and reset button support for multiselect.
- Added missing blurb icon transitions.
- Fixed Login Module issue where form field background color and text color was not applied to Password Field.
- Fixed circle counter behavior when custom padding on hover exists.
- Fixed Hover tabs rendering in combination with responsive tabs for Section Dividers.
- Fixed an issue with background controls in the Visual Builder that incorrectly only allowed background color to be edited in certain situations.
- Fixed heading 2 text size in VB that rendered differently than previous version (3.14 compared to 3.15).
- Fixed Fullwidth Post-Title module issue where background disappeared when section background set as parallax.
- The Divi Builder meta box will now take priority over other meta boxes on the post edit screen.
- Fixed inconsistent mobile display of embedded videos in Blog module blocks.
- Fixed a Visual Builder bug that prevented editing in Internet Explorer 11.
- Fixed a Visual Builder bug where non-Latin characters were ignored when determining whether a block of text was empty.
- Fixed double click issue when opening modal settings for selected items.
- Fixed 1/6 column wrap on certain viewports.
- Fixed global element children so that they stay colored as a global when moved outside their global containers.
- Fixed issue with dragging specialty columns.
- Fixed font field group visibility when options filter is active.
- Fixed the missing padding on the Section when the Nav has a transparent background.
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/assets/css/responsive-preview.css
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/bundle.js
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/helpers.php
* includes/builder/functions.php
* includes/builder/module/Blurb.php
* includes/builder/module/CircleCounter.php
* includes/builder/module/Login.php
* includes/builder/scripts/builder.js
* includes/builder/scripts/frontend-builder-scripts.js
* includes/builder/styles/frontend-builder-grid.less
* includes/builder/styles/frontend-builder-style.less
version 3.16 ( updated 10-4-2018 )
- Added Hover Options to the Divi Builder.
* core/components/data/Utils.php
* includes/builder/framework.php
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/assets.php
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/helpers.php
* includes/builder/functions.php
* includes/builder/main-structure-elements.php
* includes/builder/module/Accordion.php
* includes/builder/module/AccordionItem.php
* includes/builder/module/Audio.php
* includes/builder/module/BarCounters.php
* includes/builder/module/BarCountersItem.php
* includes/builder/module/Blog.php
* includes/builder/module/Blurb.php
* includes/builder/module/Button.php
* includes/builder/module/CircleCounter.php
* includes/builder/module/Comments.php
* includes/builder/module/ContactForm.php
* includes/builder/module/ContactFormItem.php
* includes/builder/module/CountdownTimer.php
* includes/builder/module/Cta.php
* includes/builder/module/Divider.php
* includes/builder/module/FilterablePortfolio.php
* includes/builder/module/FullwidthHeader.php
* includes/builder/module/FullwidthImage.php
* includes/builder/module/FullwidthMap.php
* includes/builder/module/FullwidthMenu.php
* includes/builder/module/FullwidthPortfolio.php
* includes/builder/module/FullwidthPostSlider.php
* includes/builder/module/FullwidthPostTitle.php
* includes/builder/module/FullwidthSlider.php
* includes/builder/module/Gallery.php
* includes/builder/module/Image.php
* includes/builder/module/Login.php
* includes/builder/module/Map.php
* includes/builder/module/MapItem.php
* includes/builder/module/NumberCounter.php
* includes/builder/module/Portfolio.php
* includes/builder/module/PostSlider.php
* includes/builder/module/PostTitle.php
* includes/builder/module/PostsNavigation.php
* includes/builder/module/PricingTables.php
* includes/builder/module/PricingTablesItem.php
* includes/builder/module/Search.php
* includes/builder/module/Shop.php
* includes/builder/module/Sidebar.php
* includes/builder/module/Signup.php
* includes/builder/module/Slider.php
* includes/builder/module/SliderItem.php
* includes/builder/module/SocialMediaFollow.php
* includes/builder/module/SocialMediaFollowItem.php
* includes/builder/module/Tabs.php
* includes/builder/module/TeamMember.php
* includes/builder/module/Testimonial.php
* includes/builder/module/Text.php
* includes/builder/module/Toggle.php
* includes/builder/module/Video.php
* includes/builder/module/VideoSlider.php
* includes/builder/module/VideoSliderItem.php
* includes/builder/module/field/Border.php
* includes/builder/module/field/BoxShadow.php
* includes/builder/module/field/Divider.php
* includes/builder/module/field/TextShadow.php
* includes/builder/module/field/template/Tabbed.php
* includes/builder/module/helpers/HoverOptions.php
* includes/builder/module/helpers/TransitionOptions.php
* includes/builder/module/settings/Migration.php
* includes/builder/module/settings/migration/HoverOptions.php
* includes/builder/module/settings/migration/TeamMemberIconHover.php
* includes/builder/scripts/builder.js
* includes/builder/scripts/frontend-builder-scripts.js
* includes/builder/styles/frontend-builder-style.less
* includes/builder/styles/style.css
* includes/builder/class-et-builder-element.php
* includes/builder/class-et-global-settings.php
version 3.15 ( updated 09-13-2018 )
- Added Multiselect and Bulk Editing to the Visual Builder.
- Fixed missing "Reply To" in Contact Form module email when the email field is not set to required.
- Fixed Grid Mode UI being shown from hovered section/rows/modules even after it is turned off.
- Fixed a bug where the wrong information was given in a debug message.
- Included the missing screen-reader-text class style in Divi.
- Fixed contact form not accepting 0 (zero) as a valid field value for required fields.
- Added shift key support for the range control.
- Fixed a bug where the Drag & Drop File Upload system was rejecting some files that should have been accepted due to file extension not being all lowercase.
- Fixed issue with inability to set tablet and phone responsive options to their default values.
- Fixed the font dropdown overlap with the options underneath in VB.
- Fixed Tooltip Modals animation when opening new modal from Page Settings Bar while another modal is not closed and vice versa.
- Fixed the inverted view on the Row Builder button group in the VB.
- Updated custom fields retrieval and processing functions for Mailchimp to make it work with custom field names.
* core/components/api/email/MailChimp.php
* includes/builder/class-et-builder-element.php
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/bundle.js
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/helpers.php
* includes/builder/module/ContactForm.php
* includes/builder/styles/frontend-builder-style.less
version 3.14 ( updated 09-06-2018 )
- Added "Extend Styles" right click option to menus for Modules, Option Groups and Individual Options.
* includes/builder/class-et-builder-element.php
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/bundle.js
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/helpers.php
* includes/builder/functions.php
* includes/builder/main-structure-elements.php
* includes/builder/module/Accordion.php
* includes/builder/module/AccordionItem.php
* includes/builder/module/Audio.php
* includes/builder/module/BarCounters.php
* includes/builder/module/BarCountersItem.php
* includes/builder/module/Blog.php
* includes/builder/module/Blurb.php
* includes/builder/module/Button.php
* includes/builder/module/CircleCounter.php
* includes/builder/module/Code.php
* includes/builder/module/Comments.php
* includes/builder/module/ContactForm.php
* includes/builder/module/ContactFormItem.php
* includes/builder/module/CountdownTimer.php
* includes/builder/module/Cta.php
* includes/builder/module/Divider.php
* includes/builder/module/FilterablePortfolio.php
* includes/builder/module/FullwidthCode.php
* includes/builder/module/FullwidthHeader.php
* includes/builder/module/FullwidthImage.php
* includes/builder/module/FullwidthMap.php
* includes/builder/module/FullwidthMenu.php
* includes/builder/module/FullwidthPortfolio.php
* includes/builder/module/FullwidthPostSlider.php
* includes/builder/module/FullwidthPostTitle.php
* includes/builder/module/FullwidthSlider.php
* includes/builder/module/Gallery.php
* includes/builder/module/Image.php
* includes/builder/module/Login.php
* includes/builder/module/Map.php
* includes/builder/module/MapItem.php
* includes/builder/module/NumberCounter.php
* includes/builder/module/Portfolio.php
* includes/builder/module/PostSlider.php
* includes/builder/module/PostTitle.php
* includes/builder/module/PostsNavigation.php
* includes/builder/module/PricingTables.php
* includes/builder/module/PricingTablesItem.php
* includes/builder/module/Search.php
* includes/builder/module/Shop.php
* includes/builder/module/Sidebar.php
* includes/builder/module/Signup.php
* includes/builder/module/SignupItem.php
* includes/builder/module/Slider.php
* includes/builder/module/SliderItem.php
* includes/builder/module/SocialMediaFollow.php
* includes/builder/module/SocialMediaFollowItem.php
* includes/builder/module/Tabs.php
* includes/builder/module/TabsItem.php
* includes/builder/module/TeamMember.php
* includes/builder/module/Testimonial.php
* includes/builder/module/Text.php
* includes/builder/module/Toggle.php
* includes/builder/module/Video.php
* includes/builder/module/VideoSlider.php
* includes/builder/module/VideoSliderItem.php
version 3.13.1 ( updated 09-1-2018 )
- Fixed broken font uploader modal.
- Fixed unwanted padding in font uploader modal.
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/bundle.js
version 3.13 ( updated 08-30-2018 )
- Added new column structures to the Divi Builder.
- Added new footer column layouts.
- Improved the Visual Builder tooltip modal automatic sizing and positioning.
- Fixed a bug that prevented loading premade layouts on some servers.
- Removed extra space that appeared in the Visual Builder when there was an empty TinyMCE area on the page.
- Fixed an error that occurred when subscribing to a MailPoet list due to malformed custom fields.
- Fixed broken accordion module animation in Safari.
- Removed dashes from contact form field titles in the Visual Builder.
- Fixed a bug that caused the portability tooltip to open in the wrong location when triggered by drag and drop file upload.
* css/theme-customizer-controls-styles.css
* images/footer-layouts.png
* includes/functions/choices.php
* includes/functions/sidebars.php
* includes/builder/scripts/frontend-builder-scripts.js
* includes/builder/class-et-builder-element.php
* includes/builder/functions.php
* includes/builder/main-structure-elements.php
* includes/builder/scripts/frontend-builder-scripts.js
* includes/builder/styles/frontend-builder-global-style.css
* includes/builder/styles/frontend-builder-grid.less
* includes/builder/styles/frontend-builder-shared-conditional-style.css
* includes/builder/styles/frontend-builder-shared-conditional-style.less
* includes/builder/styles/frontend-builder-style.css
* includes/builder/styles/frontend-builder-style.less
* includes/builder/styles/style.css
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/assets/css/responsive-preview-wrapped.css
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/assets/css/responsive-preview.css
* includes/builder/feature/Library.php
* core/components/api/email/_MailPoet3.php
version 3.12.2 ( updated 08-16-2018 )
- Fixed a bug that caused animations to remove module design styles such as background colors.
* includes/builder/scripts/frontend-builder-scripts.js
version 3.12.1 ( updated 08-13-2018 )
- Updated translation files.
- Fixed issue with partial support for modules with child modules.
- Fixed playback issues of Facebook videos in the Video module.
- Fixed display issue with Video Module, with animation applied, in when playing the video in fullscreen, in Chrome.
- Fixed fullwidth mobile menu not working in Visual Builder.
- Updated Testimonial module so that it doesn't show the "," when Job Title is empty.
- Fixed ability to find and replace Gutter Width setting.
- Fixed Visual Builder tooltips and modals from appearing behind the floating navbar on custom post types in certain cases.
- Fixed the Tabs module from malfunctioning when triple clicked on the Tab module content as soon as it was added on the page using VB.
- Fixed a bug where the Drag & Dropload interface would process files already being processed by the WP Media Library upload system.
- Fixed a PHP warning related to Post / Project tag/category.
- Fixed BB not loading when Gutenberg and Classic Editor plugins were both active.
- Fixed inconsistency between the front-end and visual builder's button module when using an icon and the margins didn't match.
- Fixed the issue when Visual Builder was not correctly initiated on WordPress sample pages.
- Fixed unwanted horizontal scroll when specialty section options are fullwidth and gutter 1 and height equalized.
- Fixed the background image being covered up when Parallax is enabled when using Fullwidth Slider Module.
- Corrected German translation of button text in WP Admin.
- Fixed issue with Google API key not working properly if an extra space was accidentally added the to key.
* core/languages/de_DE.mo
* core/languages/de_DE.po
* epanel/core_functions.php
* includes/builder/class-et-builder-settings.php
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/bundle.js
* includes/builder/functions.php
* includes/builder/languages/ar.mo
* includes/builder/languages/ar.po
* includes/builder/languages/bg_BG.mo
* includes/builder/languages/bg_BG.po
* includes/builder/languages/cs_CZ.mo
* includes/builder/languages/cs_CZ.po
* includes/builder/languages/da_DK.mo
* includes/builder/languages/da_DK.po
* includes/builder/languages/de_DE.mo
* includes/builder/languages/de_DE.po
* includes/builder/languages/el.mo
* includes/builder/languages/el.po
* includes/builder/languages/en_US.pot
* includes/builder/languages/es_ES.mo
* includes/builder/languages/es_ES.po
* includes/builder/languages/fi.mo
* includes/builder/languages/fi.po
* includes/builder/languages/fr_FR.mo
* includes/builder/languages/fr_FR.po
* includes/builder/languages/he_IL.mo
* includes/builder/languages/he_IL.po
* includes/builder/languages/hu_HU.mo
* includes/builder/languages/hu_HU.po
* includes/builder/languages/id_ID.mo
* includes/builder/languages/id_ID.po
* includes/builder/languages/it_IT.mo
* includes/builder/languages/it_IT.po
* includes/builder/languages/ja.mo
* includes/builder/languages/ja.po
* includes/builder/languages/ko_KR.mo
* includes/builder/languages/ko_KR.po
* includes/builder/languages/ms_MY.mo